Kind regards, Robert
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Trust me on this, Robert - don't provide the auction number. region2 will respond with something about the other sniper would have sniped anyway regardless of when your snipe was placed, or that another sniper can’t possibly respond in 30 seconds (he thinks that a minute isn’t long enough), or some other ruse to make it appear that “that’s life””, “grin ‘n bare it”, or “don’t make waves”.quote:Originally posted by region2:
Auction Number?
That’s the problem with these things. Even with the history, there isn’t any way to insure how the other sniper sniped. 18 seconds is enough time to respond to a snipe. The two snipes with the same time stamp would “suggest” it was some automated snipe, but then the third snipe would “suggest” it was a reactive snipe. All speculation, and guess work. One can never determine what would have happened had the snipe been placed a few or 20 seconds later or earlier. The only thing that’s certain is the snipe was before Robert’s specified lead time, assuming Robert’s statement that he used a 5-second lead time is accurate.quote:Originally posted by region2:
I think this is unlikely and would probably have been an automatic bid of some kind.
A pity you've gone off meds. I so wish region2 could be a little original. But, then, one must consider the stress region2 is under, what with the parole hearings and all.quote:Originally posted by region2:
Almost a reasonable response from Rick - I guess the prozac dosage has been sorted out!
Been suggested multiple times - been rejected multiple times.quote:Originally posted by Barb Healy:
OR, perhaps AS could offer an option on each snipe/account:
quote:Originally posted by Sniper Steve:
Hello Community,
Thank you all for your input and being loyal to Auction Sniper.
I realize this is long overdue, but I didn't want to make an announcement before a time schedule was in place.
We are currently working on the completion and implementation of an enhancement that will address all the lead time inconveniences!
Soon you will not have to worry about lead times, even during eBay's peak bidding hours.
We had a data base programming error that accounts for the extremely early bids over the last 24 hours, and though that was truly an isolated incident, we will be addressing all lead time concerns in the next few weeks.
Thank you for your patience and your continuing support of Auction Sniper!
Auction Sniper Product Manager
So you lost 'cos your snipe went in 4 seconds early? If you believe that then you know very little about how AS and ebay works. What Steve tried to say was that it's not the last bid that wins but the highest - you were outbid!quote:Originally posted by maryellen903:
Guess what, Steve??? AS did it again!!! Sent my bid in too early.....EIGHT and Half Seconds & I had it at FOUR seconds....
What is your JUSTIFATION now????
Yes, I lost the auction!
Stick a fork in me....I'M DONE!
Just tell me how to close my AS account!
"Half Seconds"?quote:Originally posted by maryellen903:
EIGHT and Half Seconds
quote:Originally posted by maryellen903:quote:Originally posted by Rick:"Half Seconds"?quote:Originally posted by maryellen903:
EIGHT and Half Seconds
Oh, thanks, Rick, for pointing out I'd made a TYPO!!! Please see the corrected message above!
Glad you have time to proofread for us! It should have read "Eight and half MINUTES"!!!
Thanks again!
quote:Originally posted by Chatter:
quote:Originally posted by Chatter:
categorically knows
quote:Originally posted by Chatter:
must have telepathically known the high bidder's full amount.
quote:Originally posted by Chatter:
And they are BOTH
quote:Originally posted by Chatter:
such incredible coincidences
8.5 minutes! That's pretty bad.quote:Originally posted by maryellen903:
"Eight and half MINUTES"!!!
quote:Originally posted by Chatter:
Wow, one woman gets bids posted in half-second increments, and another categorically knows that she "would have won"--must have telepathically known the high bidder's full amount. And they are BOTH newbies, too--such incredible coincidences we have here this week, such drama...
quote:Originally posted by Rick:8.5 minutes! That's pretty bad.quote:Originally posted by maryellen903:
"Eight and half MINUTES"!!!
I wonder, region2, if you should stop wondering and just provide Mary Ellen with the link to the support staff: http://support.auctionsniper.com/quote:Originally posted by region2:
I wonder if it was when Maintenance is going on
quote:Originally posted by region2:
I wonder if it was when Maintenance is going on - they send it in 1st before shutting down...