Although manctil sees everything in black and white s/he has a point - support is often Crap in my experience - I recently had a very sarcastic response which ended up in an apology when the support person actually grasped whet the problem was rather than what he assumed it was! Support recently sent me an email saying that I had an open case and that they were awaiting my input. Great, but wrong! On looking at the notes I had an acknowledgment of the problem and was told that it was being worked on. (It's still not working - it's the old 'works in USA but not in UK problem - the joys of living off-shore I guess!) Further back, some of the old hands will recall Support emailing all open cases, asking if they were still current, then, despite my response that they were, they closed them all. Amazingly they were nearly all Search related in my case.
I love Sara's response which amounts to "Strange, we have the same make of lightbulb here and it's working fine!" Aaaaargh!
Sara - manctil is saying, in between rants, that the searches should be withdrawn if they aren't working 100% as they detract from an otherwise great product. Perhaps you could pass this up to management rather than just keep it to yourself?!
R2 (lives and works off-shore in a small Island called UK)
Why turn off a feature that's working for most users? We've got tens of thousands of searches in the system. And 2 people here that have things that dont work. Sure there are probably some more too. But the facts are that searches are working for 80-90% of users, probably more. Sorry they aren't working for you.
what a bull crap response, you should be fired, I am forwarding this to your corporate office.
What you are saying is that it is ok to deliver a product that is garbage as long as some folks use it.
You are such an ignorant person, just because you have "thousands" in the system, sure in hell doesn't mean the "WORK"
please go away!!!!!!!!!!!
What you are saying is that it is ok to deliver a product that is garbage as long as some folks use it.
You are such an ignorant person, just because you have "thousands" in the system, sure in hell doesn't mean the "WORK"
please go away!!!!!!!!!!!
quote:Those two statements seem to contradict each other.
Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
… but just letting you know that what you perceive as average support most others think is much above average. Many of the cases you bring to our attention are things that need addressing …
quote:That appears to be dated. As best as I can make out, EZ does as well.
Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
We're the only company that provides a message board as a part of our site.
quote:That’s reasonable – in fact, I would say it’s mandatory for companies, and should be for individuals, to prioritize. But, whenever searches come up (and it DOES come up), it appears that at first the approach is to deny there’s anything wrong. I’ve seen it where 3 or 4 users will comment on having a problem with searches, and the first response from others will usually be something like, “That’s odd. Mine are working fine.” It’s probably just me, but it seems like anyone having problems with the searches are being questioned on their credibility. I’ve been surprised by that response. Just consider, this was Sara’s opening response, “Our search feature has always worked well for me.” I guess that statement is an important consideration. On the other hand, would anyone at AS say the opposite on this forum?
Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
Thus it may seem as if we are slow to act on them when it's actually more of a priority issue for us. …
quote:It’s my understanding that ebay made some API’s available for third parties to do searches, so I would question that. After all, BM is an example within the same company that owns AS that uses those API’s.
Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
I'm sure they'd much rather have people doing those things on their site so they can keep a stronger grip on their customer.
quote:Based on what I’ve seen posted, I think that’s a bit of an understatement.
Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
And 2 people here that have things that dont work.
quote:I wonder if …
Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
But the facts are that searches are working for 80-90% of users, probably more.
- that means that for 80-90% of the users that actually use them?
- there’s anyway to measure those that have stopped using them with or out complaining?
- this is an opportunity for Lexie to post her signature quote?
It’s somewhat curious to me. Companies pay consultants to find things they are doing wrong. Of course, the consultants point out what is being done right as well. But the consultants probably won’t be invited back unless they find something wrong (earn their keep). Another group of people that work at finding things a company does wrong is their competition. Although the competition doesn’t get a “direct” paycheck for doing this kind of consulting, this activity shouldn’t be considered altruistic. There’s also the occasional customer that likes a particular product/service so much, that they make an extra effort in trying to improve it. They don’t benefit financially like consultants and competitors. They probably have better things to do, but they still take the time out to point out weakness and flaws. This type of customer shouldn’t be criticized or demeaned. They are a valuable asset to any organization and it might be wise to treat them as such.
I thought I’d get that in incase this thread is closed down.
Thank you for accepting that they don't work for some of us - please can you tell us when they will be fixed? Perhaps you could even detail what bits work and what doesn't so that the odd person (ie. most of non-USA) will know what to expect when they try to use the AS Searches?
Manctil - enough of your ranting - you are a rude w*nker - you made your point some time ago so, and I quote, go away!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for accepting that they don't work for some of us - please can you tell us when they will be fixed? Perhaps you could even detail what bits work and what doesn't so that the odd person (ie. most of non-USA) will know what to expect when they try to use the AS Searches?
Manctil - enough of your ranting - you are a rude w*nker - you made your point some time ago so, and I quote, go away!!!!!!!!!!!

Seems that Rick and I were typing at the same time - he's right - Sara invariably denies that there is a problem but now she concedes that there is. I wonder how many people use AS searches that don't work... pause to think... nope, none! Ergo, they work for everyone for whom they work! 100% Hooray - great customer service.
As to software sites that use a forum to lessen the load on Support. hmmm - let me think... There's eBay, Microsoft, etc etc. And we all believe that AS was there first. Hooray!
As to software sites that use a forum to lessen the load on Support. hmmm - let me think... There's eBay, Microsoft, etc etc. And we all believe that AS was there first. Hooray!
Originally posted by manctil:
please go away!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, Manctil, I wish that YOU would go away. Whatever point you may have (and your points about the searches and Sara's responses are valid) is, IMHO, completely overshadowed by, and lost among, your incredibly rude, overly forward and just plain crass remarks.
Even if you are right, your heavy-handed and sometimes vulgar approach is no way for a new person to introduce himself to the forum. The fact that you were unaware that eBay has a search function--one of its most basic components--also suggests that your experience on eBay is also limited. May I suggest that you completely rethink your approach and start from scratch here.
Remember when your mother or grandmother told you, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"? She was right.

i am not rude, I am just sick and tired of cheap support!!!!!!! That could care less and make excuses.
Maybe companies will start to keep there support in house and provide quality support again.
I use other forums and somtimes there are actually support folks that have a clue. Not here.
Maybe companies will start to keep there support in house and provide quality support again.
I use other forums and somtimes there are actually support folks that have a clue. Not here.
Originally posted by region2:
Manctil - enough of your ranting - you are a rude w*nker - you made your point some time ago so, and I quote, go away!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Originally posted by Chatter:
Actually, Manctil, I wish that YOU would go away. Whatever point you may have (and your points about the searches and Sara's responses are valid) is, IMHO, completely overshadowed by, and lost among, your incredibly rude, overly forward and just plain crass remarks.
Is it my imagination, or have R2 and Chatter found something they agree on? I guess it was inevitable.
This is no endorsement on whether anyone should stay or go away, nor to comment on the meaning of “rude”.
I have to agree, when support doesn't listen and just makes excuses, I know how frustrating it can be.
And yes, it would be great if compnaies could bring there support back in-house.
It wasn't until this guy seemed to get a little rude did anybody start to listen,
Sarah has the attitude, mines ok , so yours must be. She/He is obviousely a very non-experienced individual.
If they aren't going to fix something, just say so, but don't keep denying issues.
I joined just to reply to this.
And yes, it would be great if compnaies could bring there support back in-house.
It wasn't until this guy seemed to get a little rude did anybody start to listen,
Sarah has the attitude, mines ok , so yours must be. She/He is obviousely a very non-experienced individual.
If they aren't going to fix something, just say so, but don't keep denying issues.
I joined just to reply to this.
quote:Well known unisex names:
Sarah .... She/He is obviousely a very non-experienced individual.
but not Sarah!

and isn't it Sara?

R2 [joined just for threads like this]
FYI: Jimmy3456 = manctil
Our support is split about 50/50. Monday->Friday 8am-5pm is done right here in our office in California. Nights and weekends aren't. All our support people receive about the same ratings for both helpfulness and courtesy. It is harder for the night and weekend support guys to interact with the engineers simply because the engineers aren't here on nights and weekends. They escalate cases to the day crew and a manager when needed. The end result is that we're providing pretty much 24 hour support 7 days a week.
quote:Now things are making sense.
It wasn't until this guy seemed to get a little rude did anybody start to listen,
quote:You have brought this up several times so...
And yes, it would be great if compnaies could bring there support back in-house.
Our support is split about 50/50. Monday->Friday 8am-5pm is done right here in our office in California. Nights and weekends aren't. All our support people receive about the same ratings for both helpfulness and courtesy. It is harder for the night and weekend support guys to interact with the engineers simply because the engineers aren't here on nights and weekends. They escalate cases to the day crew and a manager when needed. The end result is that we're providing pretty much 24 hour support 7 days a week.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by manctil:
i am not rude, I am just sick and tired of cheap support!!!!!!! That could care less and make excuses.
Maybe companies will start to keep there support in house and provide quality support again.[QUOTE]
Well support, development and updates cost money, for a company that makes a small percentage of each successful transaction I am happy with snipes. I always factor my total cost into my bid (snipe cost, money order cost, freight – to come to a maximum dollar bid amount so the snipes I am paying for are dollars I am reducing my offer to sellers by, so for me the seller is paying for the snipe as a part of the transaction cost) I use eBay’s search to find things and snipe it now to snipe them.
I think your expectations need to match comparisons with similar products. Comparing AS support to MS is not a valid comparison, you need to compare it to the competition and if the competition charges the same and works better then your complaint is valid and AS needs to make a market decision on what they want to do with searches.
I have been happy with most of the support answer I have received, and the ones that I thought were incorrect I let them know. Yes they have some junior people who have given incomplete or incorrect answers but they haven’t been condescending or rude to me.
EBay’s search does not always feed the same results and from the data fields it looks like AS is compiling a search and feeding to eBay’s search. I often find excluded items in the list that EBay returns.
I did a search on cat dog bird with a price between 1 and 12 and came up with 1278 items from AS, eliminating the price returned 4714,
If I don't do an advanced search on EBay it returns 60 items, duplicating the search filters returned 4714 items
Using cat dog -bird in “Search All of these words” on both sites returned the same result so it seems to honor -word as well as exclude words
You can’t have a word in the include and exclude list of your search on either site and get a result
EBay does not have the Search Any of these words feature. Quoted words work for me in the include these words feature (As per the example)
The only discrepancy I am finding is the need to add the – to words I want to exclude in AS.
I ran about 30 duplicate searches with variations and both AS and EBay returned the same answers other a few discrepancies of 1 or 2 items which may have closed between 1 search and
the other.
My only requests for searches would be to get it to work in the Mature Audiences area and I would use it.

i am not rude, I am just sick and tired of cheap support!!!!!!! That could care less and make excuses.
Maybe companies will start to keep there support in house and provide quality support again.[QUOTE]
Well support, development and updates cost money, for a company that makes a small percentage of each successful transaction I am happy with snipes. I always factor my total cost into my bid (snipe cost, money order cost, freight – to come to a maximum dollar bid amount so the snipes I am paying for are dollars I am reducing my offer to sellers by, so for me the seller is paying for the snipe as a part of the transaction cost) I use eBay’s search to find things and snipe it now to snipe them.
I think your expectations need to match comparisons with similar products. Comparing AS support to MS is not a valid comparison, you need to compare it to the competition and if the competition charges the same and works better then your complaint is valid and AS needs to make a market decision on what they want to do with searches.
I have been happy with most of the support answer I have received, and the ones that I thought were incorrect I let them know. Yes they have some junior people who have given incomplete or incorrect answers but they haven’t been condescending or rude to me.
EBay’s search does not always feed the same results and from the data fields it looks like AS is compiling a search and feeding to eBay’s search. I often find excluded items in the list that EBay returns.
I did a search on cat dog bird with a price between 1 and 12 and came up with 1278 items from AS, eliminating the price returned 4714,
If I don't do an advanced search on EBay it returns 60 items, duplicating the search filters returned 4714 items
Using cat dog -bird in “Search All of these words” on both sites returned the same result so it seems to honor -word as well as exclude words
You can’t have a word in the include and exclude list of your search on either site and get a result
EBay does not have the Search Any of these words feature. Quoted words work for me in the include these words feature (As per the example)
The only discrepancy I am finding is the need to add the – to words I want to exclude in AS.
I ran about 30 duplicate searches with variations and both AS and EBay returned the same answers other a few discrepancies of 1 or 2 items which may have closed between 1 search and
the other.
My only requests for searches would be to get it to work in the Mature Audiences area and I would use it.

Even if you are right, your heavy-handed and sometimes vulgar approach is no way for a new person to introduce himself to the forum.
You see, if you get a few posts under your belt, you are *allowed* to be heavy-handed, vulgar and even damn right rude. Its a proven fact around here.
Also, I find if you group your *!!!!!!!!'s* together in two's (!! !! !! !), it makes them easier to count, there is a limit to how many you can use at once (I believe 7 is the limit) before you upset a couple of the regulars.
Just trying to help the newbies fit in

lol, I give up. I will just accept the fact when it doesn't work, they do give a *)(*(%$$.
The forum folks can help , but don't expect any good or solid answer from support (at least sarah)
I posted a very professional post before this one and only got 3 responses and NONE from support.
I truly give up, the Sniper tool is great and thanks to the help from the forum folks, I have solved the search issue with ebay.
I truly would like to see this company succeed as I feel the product could be the best.
Sarah needs to be cautious with comments that could be misinterpeted.
The forum folks can help , but don't expect any good or solid answer from support (at least sarah)
I posted a very professional post before this one and only got 3 responses and NONE from support.
I truly give up, the Sniper tool is great and thanks to the help from the forum folks, I have solved the search issue with ebay.
I truly would like to see this company succeed as I feel the product could be the best.
Sarah needs to be cautious with comments that could be misinterpeted.
I was going to stay out of this one but after reading the entire thread, I wonder how many "!" were used? 

Originally posted by Dave:
I was going to stay out of this one but after reading the entire thread, I wonder how many "!" were used?![]()
Feel free to count them

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