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Reply to "stuff is crap"

Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
… but just letting you know that what you perceive as average support most others think is much above average. Many of the cases you bring to our attention are things that need addressing …
Those two statements seem to contradict each other.

Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
We're the only company that provides a message board as a part of our site.
That appears to be dated. As best as I can make out, EZ does as well.

Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
Thus it may seem as if we are slow to act on them when it's actually more of a priority issue for us. …
That’s reasonable – in fact, I would say it’s mandatory for companies, and should be for individuals, to prioritize. But, whenever searches come up (and it DOES come up), it appears that at first the approach is to deny there’s anything wrong. I’ve seen it where 3 or 4 users will comment on having a problem with searches, and the first response from others will usually be something like, “That’s odd. Mine are working fine.” It’s probably just me, but it seems like anyone having problems with the searches are being questioned on their credibility. I’ve been surprised by that response. Just consider, this was Sara’s opening response, “Our search feature has always worked well for me.” I guess that statement is an important consideration. On the other hand, would anyone at AS say the opposite on this forum?

Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
I'm sure they'd much rather have people doing those things on their site so they can keep a stronger grip on their customer.
It’s my understanding that ebay made some API’s available for third parties to do searches, so I would question that. After all, BM is an example within the same company that owns AS that uses those API’s.

Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
And 2 people here that have things that dont work.
Based on what I’ve seen posted, I think that’s a bit of an understatement.

Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
But the facts are that searches are working for 80-90% of users, probably more.
I wonder if …
  1. that means that for 80-90% of the users that actually use them?
  2. there’s anyway to measure those that have stopped using them with or out complaining?
  3. this is an opportunity for Lexie to post her signature quote?

It’s somewhat curious to me. Companies pay consultants to find things they are doing wrong. Of course, the consultants point out what is being done right as well. But the consultants probably won’t be invited back unless they find something wrong (earn their keep). Another group of people that work at finding things a company does wrong is their competition. Although the competition doesn’t get a “direct” paycheck for doing this kind of consulting, this activity shouldn’t be considered altruistic. There’s also the occasional customer that likes a particular product/service so much, that they make an extra effort in trying to improve it. They don’t benefit financially like consultants and competitors. They probably have better things to do, but they still take the time out to point out weakness and flaws. This type of customer shouldn’t be criticized or demeaned. They are a valuable asset to any organization and it might be wise to treat them as such.

I thought I’d get that in incase this thread is closed down.