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FordFalcons posted: Now that he's seven years old, maybe...just maybe it would be safe to bring another one in this Halloween??

I don't know how similar dogs and cats might be, with regard to long/short-term memory, however my ex-husband used to get ready in the mornings with our cat faithfully by his side...even when he was running the blow-dryer on his hair. Well, one morning he just thought he would be funny and turned the hair-dryer toward the cat. Anyway, she totally freaked and it took about 2 years for her to go back into the morning routine with him.

Then I sort of recall having read something about dogs/cats having recall of about 2-5 years...but I couldn't quote any sort of details on that one.

So, you might be safe in doing the punkin-thang again around your dog...or you'll figure out real fast that you can't! Wink

[I was going to put a funny picture of a dog with that but I think I forgot how to do it. I used the image button, and put the information copied from properties there but just came up with the ol' "X-in-a-box" so... :::shrug:::]


"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning"
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by WarriorNun:
[I was going to put a funny picture of a dog with that but I think I forgot how to do it. I used the image button, and put the information copied from properties there but just came up with the ol' "X-in-a-box" so... :::shrug:::]

Be sure you have the complete URL. Also, the site might be down or they won't allow you to use their pixs. Some don't want you to use the pixs from their sites, but will allow you to download them into a service like Village Photos. Mrs. M can help you on that. Village Photos has a n/c option that I've been using. Before I post a pix that I'm "borrowing", I send it in an email to myself to verify that I can open it. It's not a guarantee, but it helps.

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