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Good Morning all,

It's a beautiful morning here - as I came up the coast to work this morning the haar (local word for a sea mist you only get on the East coast of Scotland)had rolled in and the sun was trying to shine through. The result was rainbow caught inside the mist, framed by the gold fields with all their straw bales waiting to be collected, and the North Sea dark blue in the background.

It was just lovely.....

Now I'm sitting in my office setting up web pages for vacant properties. It's not quite as idyllic!


Good Morning-evening everyone! Wow! Another week is almost to an end.

Rick, you of all people, the silent one about yourself, bring up what I said? Lol! There are just some things that serve no purpose here but to possibly make some feel alienated. Wink

Squeaky, do you live in Scotland or were you just refering to it? I was thinking you lived in Australia. Confused

Lexie, it must be something about his name. I miss the R and to go back and correct it all the time...but then, I spend half my time correcting something...I's the TYPING thing!! Big Grin

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Yes, although I sometimes wish I lived in Australia Big Grin I'm from Scotland. I mentioned it many posts ago on another thread.....

I've completely failed to follow the conversation about college degrees - sometimes I'm a bit slow on the uptake! My degree was in Experimental Psychology as a Biological Science (Animal Behaviour in proper English...) if that makes anyone feel happier. Wink

Where did you get the lovely picture of the doorway with the hanging baskets and the word Welcome? Rick says you have the best collection of graphics sites out of everyone here....


Okay, I know this has nothing to do with eBay, AuctionSniper, nor the Forum...but I just have to take a moment and sound off somewhere:


Now...back to the world's greatest sport: Football! And I suppose with the group around here I need to clarify that I mean American Football. However, I must confess a certain fascination with Aussie Rules Football, although I have no clue how it works.

Ooops, sorry...I mean the world's greatest sport: auction sniping! Have a great day, all!


"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning"

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