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Hello Everybody,
How are you all doing this morning?
I haven't been posting much for the past few months. That's because I've been going back to school and getting my master's degree on line through the U of A (University of Arizona). And they feel obligated to keep us really, really busy....
SuperSqueaky, I used to show Boston Terriers and know exactly what word you used. My sister didn't speak to me for months after I called her female Brittany the "b" word. This picture was at Village Photos.

Gotta get back to class--one of the professors posted a nice long lecture and homework. Seeyalater!
That's a lovely picture, Christine - it looks a little like Vargen.

Bostons are quite difficult to breed to a high quality, aren't they? From what I know about them their heads are quite complex from a show point of view.

I'm having trouble keeping up too, although it's partly my fault - I started another thread about signatures and now this conversation is split between two different topics!

Time to feed the dogs - then David and I - I'm starving!

Bye all - see you tomorrow!


Ha! I heard you all talking about me so I had to come into the forum and see what it was all about.... Big Grin
You're right about Bostons, SuperSqueaky. The head is very important in a show dog.
A neighbor has several Siberian Huskies. They like to "sing" at night.
Well, it's getting late. Here's another picture for Rick and Mrs. M.
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Good morning Rick, Billie, Ford...evening Lexie and Squeaky!

Interesting pixs,'s classes going?

Squeaky and Ford, I'd comment on your dogs, but it is out of my catagory. My limit on the subject is "if you get a dog, you'll take care of it, not me"! That was always my famous last word on the subject before I dutifully marched out to clean the pens! Eek Big Grin

Rick, didn't see you in here much last night so I signed off . Smile

Lexie, how's that sweet little boy doing? He is really cute. I'll bet you husband is really proud . Wink

Mrs. M

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