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The support staff must never sleep
They're in a different time zone - doh!

I don't think that I have ever been satisfied with AS support. You can judge Sara's attitude for yourselves and the guys who respond to support cases are invariably "not very good", sarcastic or just plain useless.

AS as a product is excellent so if manctil wants to go elsewhere then it's his/her loss...

Originally posted by Puppy Raiser:
I use AS to snipe for me. Everything else I need can be done at eBay. Even if the AS searches were flawless, I still wouldn't use them.

I concur. To me, AS is for sniping, and it is that for which I pay, and it snipes remarkably well. All other "stuff" is simply "fluff" and concerns me little.

Building a new home now, so I can have a place for my stuff.
I wonder if AS’ Searches are a “Damned if you do and damned if you don’t”? Good news: the Searches might encourage new customers, and if AS pulled them, that might make some longtime customers get sore. Bad news: the Searches might lose some paying sniping customers because the customers get sore about the Searches not always working.

I understand the intent of the Searches is to generate more sniping activity, thus increasing AS’ revenue. But, it seems hard to justify R & D on something that generates indirect revenue (Searches) over something that generates direct revenue (Sniping). I suppose AS could charge for Searches, but I also suppose that would cause some backlash.

It appears that for less complicated searches, users seem pleased. Perhaps the standard advise to new users should be extended: “Use x lead time (depending on when); decide the highest amount you are willing to spend; turn off Instamail; AND avoid complex searches.”
Rick, the search engine is complete garbage. It shows the quality of programmers this company has and the qulaity control(lack of).

Nobody should allow a product like this to exist. It should be pulled imediately unless they are going to make it right.

It is also obvious there is no support here in the states, the support is out of the country far from the developers.

This is a set-up for failure and I honestly feel they don't care. No customers service, they just don't care
Originally posted by Chatter:
Ah, someone new to AS AND eBay.
Both suppositions could be wrong. 1st assumption might find argument from the following:

Originally posted by manctil:
I have been using "as" snipe for a while now and was pleased with it.

The second might also be mistaken. Hard to be certain how long manctil has been on ebay (I didn’t think “length” made that much difference). And, even if length is part of the discussion, it may be a poor measurement of one’s knowledge of ebay. After all, some people are slow learners.

Also, it seems like manctil has some valid issues with AS.
In all fairness, note that searches used to work much better than they do now. They have never been perfect, which is why I never used them, but simple things worked just fine.

Things stop working at AS when eBay makes a change... and they make many that you and I don't notice. Add to that, the problems with changes at, and not to other eBay sites. Things get very complicated, very quickly. Searches are very low on my list of priorities, and apparently the same is true for AS staff and management.

It wouldn't bother me at all to see searches deleted altogether from AS. Might even be a wise business decision. But...AS seems committed to keeping them, and I'm afraid they will be forever trying to patch holes and bailing water from a sinking ship.
The search stuff really sucks
Our search feature has always worked well for me. At least in the way I use it. And I know many others here that also use it and it works for them. Certainly it's not perfect but it does work in most cases for the typical user.
and support is by far the worst in the industry.
I know for a fact that isn't the case. In fact I would bet that we have the best support. We're the only company that even has a trouble ticket system. When closing your support case a rating is given and our ratings are extremely high. So most customers are very pleased with our support. I would additionally wager that we have the fastest reply time in the industry. I'm sorry you are not happy with our support. I'm actually unclear as what has made you so unhappy as to feel this way.
I will pay more to get a quality product
I've mentioned this before, but we are the largest site for a reason. We offer the best product and support out there. In general customers are leaving other sites to come to ours for that reason. Certainly we lose a few here and there I wont deny that. Things happen and not everyone is happy all the time, but I believe most of our custmers are very pleased. We're the only company that provides a message board as a part of our site. We highly feature the forum as a tab. As can be seen from the forums people are generally happy. We don't try and hide our dirty laundry like others do by not having an open discussion forum.

In any case I wish there were something I could do to fix whatever it is that has made you so unhappy with us but I'm not sure I will from the looks of things.
The support staff must never sleep.
We actually have at least one person available 24 hours a day. Sometimes in the 2-4am time frame we don't. But we're available 7 days a week every day of the year. And during busy hours we have 2 or 3. I'm pretty sure that our average reply time is less than 3 hours. And usually less than 2 hours.
I don't think that I have ever been satisfied with AS support.
You actually have pretty high expectations. I do a lot of customers support obviously and it's very hard to please you. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but just letting you know that what you perceive as average support most others think is much above average. Many of the cases you bring to our attention are things that need addressing, but are not usually time sensitive. So we usually aren't taking care of them right away. Thus it may seem as if we are slow to act on them when it's actually more of a priority issue for us. It's hard to explain cleary, but I'm sure you understand the what I'm trying to say.
Everything else I need can be done at eBay.
Yes, that is pretty much true now. When we first created searches it was so that people could have more than 3 emailed searches. Back then eBay I think limited you to getting only 3 searches emailed to you, and I think they only let you save 10 total searches. So our search tab was a great help since we let you email yourself and save an unlimited number. Not just 10. Also eBays emailed searches then often never came, or would come after the auctions had closed and were generally really bad.

eBay has spent a ton of resources recently enhancing their search features, and their My eBay features. Adding most or all of the features we first added here on AuctionSniper. Maybe even after seeing what we did. Who knows, I'm sure they'd much rather have people doing those things on their site so they can keep a stronger grip on their customer. Or maybe it's just because a lot of people were asking for those features just like they were with us which is why we made them to start with.
Sarah, your responses show un-professonalism. You sit there and tell us how good you are and don't listen or accept the truth.

Again, your support has acknowledged the search stuff barely works.

Just put any word in the "any word" section and you won't get any response.

It is obvious support is off shore and don't have access to the engineers. But I understand this saves money.

I like your snipe engine, I would highly suggest you remove the search engine as it is a poor reflection of your company

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