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Reading your description of how life is for you at the moment shames me. I "niggle" at the small things in life having forgotten the biggest gift is good health.

I simply don't think I would have your fortitude to bear all those operations.

I think the way you are dealing with this crisis is an inspiration to the rest of us.

If buying on eBay distracts you and you want advice on any matter, just ask. Rick, R2, Shirl, Chatter, Lexie, Mike from Yorkshire have a wealth of practical experience that they are only too pleased to share.

Wishing you all the best, as you face the next "round" of operations.

Uhhhhh.......define "niggle" please?

Everybody has things they must cope with. And NO ONE gets through life without problems. NO ONE lives a charmed life. Just look at all the celebreties: divorce after divorce, drug and alcohol problems, trouble with the law, etc. etc. etc. They may LOOK better than us average folks, but they still have their share of difficulties to deal with.

My "Mum" is currently really depressed because she may have a brain tumor. She'll be going for more definitive tests in a few weeks. She asked me, "How do you cope?"

My answer is that sometimes I DON'T! That's when I over do it on eBay or eat compulsively. But what really helps to curb those reactions are connections. By connections, I mean having several people to call and just open up with all my "woe is me" problems.

If you feel you have a heavy burden, then SHARE it with others. It will NEVER be as heavy to them as it is to you, and it will lighten your load. Not to mention understanding friends will many times look at your problem from a slightly different angle and then tell you why it isn't so bad after all.

We are all connected. The web of life needs all its "strings." If one breaks, it effects the entire web. So you learn ways of re-tying your string. It's important to maintain your connectedness. People, nature, the cosmos are all connected. Humans are social animals, just like all the great apes, whales, elephants, and others. Ya' CAN'T make it totally on your own!

But you all knew that already, didn't you?
Originally posted by caneartist:
drug and alcohol problems
No problems as it’s fairly easy to get both, although the former comes with home delivery, drive thru service, free samplers and 24/7, which are not typically provided with the later.


Does your ID break down as cane-artist or can-ear-tist?
This is my third attempt at replying. I don't know what the problems is.

Cane Artist

New on the medical front: Surgery has been postponed because they found some weird protein in my blood: Monoclonal gammopathy. So now I proceed with more tests. It can lead to multiple myeloma. Look it up on Google. Not a very pleasant bit of reading. I almost have several symptoms, I just didn't know what they were.

I must be really dense. I can't figure out what you were referring to regarding alcohol and drug problems. Did I say that some where? I couldn't find it.

As for my doctor, I have SEVERAL! And now I will be seeing another one: hematologist which usually goes with oncology = "hem-onc."

My leg has already cost the insurance company $500,000. I may actually get up to the $1,000,000 cap per year after this is all over. If that happens, we're cooked.

If indeed I've progressed to multiple myeloma, the bills will be paid for by my life insurance. MM is terminal. It accounts for all my fractures, my carpal tunnel in my right hand, complete lack of deep motor reflexes in my "good" leg, my "paresthesias" like my burning feet and a host of other idiotic problems.

The "best" is yet to come......(all sarcasm intended.)

Not much I can say in response to that.

With buying on eBay, at least my opinion is at least as good as the next person, in that it is exactly that, an opinion.

Now I fear that the medical profession is equally prone to giving "opinions" and sometimes they are totally wrong. Having lost a dear friend through total mis-diagnosis I no longer view their opinions with quite the respect I once held them in.
i.e they could be wrong in your case!

Secondly, I have several friends that were given a "death sentence" who are now completely clear. We went out to dinner with one such on Friday, five years ago, they gave him a couple of months to live. He now lives in Cyprus and I have never seen him look so healthy!

He has also been given the "all clear" and swears it is all down to an anti-cancer complementary medicine called "Essiac" Whether this is fact or fiction I cannot tell, but he obviously believes in it and I sometimes think that if Aborigines can curl up and die when they think a spell has been cast on them, why can't the converse be equally true?

I think life is this giant lottery and I can only hope that luck is with you. You certainly are displaying a lot more courage in the face of dreadful adversity than I would.

All I, and others here, can wish you, is the "best of luck" in battling the odds you face.

Well, needless to say I'm in a bit of a denial period now. I have to see the hematologist yet to find out exactly where he thinks I am. AND, of course I'm going to get a second opinion. In fact, if it indeed needs chemotherapy, I'd rather go to the MD that treated my husband for lymphoma 13 years ago. That doctor was initially going to be a psychiatrist but something changed his mind so he went into oncology instead. The point being, he takes as long as it takes to allow his patients to ask questions, make sure they all have the facts straight, and generally "listens." That's a trait most MDs don't know the meaning of. Not to mention, he's highly qualified in his field.

I'm trying not to let my mind go crazy about this. I tend to be a rather "open" person, in case you haven't already noticed, so if I start to ramble, just tell me to shut up. I won't be offended.

Now I just sit and wait to hear from the hospital when all my appointments are arranged. I know they will be wanting to do a bone marrrow biopsy and more definitive bone scans and blood tests.

OH! A good article is on Google. Do a search on Google for "monoclonal gammopathy." The third one down, from "eMedicine" has all the details. There's a link to multiple myopathy which is quite instructive too.

Say, if I have a photo in one of my files, how do I transfer it onto one of these messages. I don't know how to find the URL for a picture that I have stuck some where on my computer. Do I have to make it a "document" first, or something?
Originally posted by caneartist:
Say, if I have a photo in one of my files, how do I transfer it onto one of these messages. I don't know how to find the URL for a picture that I have stuck some where on my computer. Do I have to make it a "document" first, or something?

You can’t have a photo appear directly from your computer. You have to load it onto some service, like Photobucket. Such a service will supply you with a URL. If you have a picture that you find on some site, you can right click on the picture, then click on “Properties”, then copy the URL from “Address”.

To get something like the following . . .

. . . you would post the following (no spaces allowed):
"Ohhhhhhhhh..........I see," said the blind man. (Corny; I know.) I get it. The properties thing I knew about, but when I clicked on that on my computer, it didn't say much and now I see why. Just wanted to show you all this fantastic peacock cane I made for a lady. I will have to work on this.

Nance Cane Artist

"Is God willing to prevent evil but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?"


I've always found that quote interesting. Drives the bible thumpers crazy.
Just to add to Rick's explanation, there is also which I tend to use.
I had a look at Photobucket a couple of years ago but found that it seemed only to be in use in the middle of the night (we are GMT here of course!)
The upshot of it is that for us to see an image it must be somewhere visible to us - in the public domain, as we say.
Our best wishes to you - if you want to chat to us, chat away! Smile
Originally posted by caneartist:
Uhhhhh.......define "niggle" please?

Something that is mildly irritating, like mosquitoes, haemorrhoids or tailgaters.

Just look at all the celebrities: divorce after divorce, drug and alcohol problems, trouble with the law, etc. etc. etc.

I try not to - it only encourages them. Wink

They may LOOK better than us average folks,
Not to me, they do not - I regard most of them as a lesser species. Frown

but they still have their share of difficulties to deal with.

And generally fail miserably....
Originally posted by caneartist:
Say, if I have a photo in one of my files, how do I transfer it onto one of these messages. I don't know how to find the URL for a picture that I have stuck some where on my computer. Do I have to make it a "document" first, or something?
Here's a way to post photos on the web without registering:-

LOL! Mwah-ha-haaaaa....Chat I shall! In fact, sooner or later you're bound to tell me to shut up! Actually, I'm not busy with any other chat boards right now, so YOU lucky people get to hear all the gory details! Aren't you glad? LOL!
Big Grin
So what you're saying, is that it's better if my photos are in the public domain physically closer to you? I mean, the Internet is the Internet, no matter where you are, right?

I'll work on this. Will have to humbly ask #2 son who is in school working with computer networking how to go about this. I understand what you're saying though.

More notes to reply to I see. Then I'll tell you my schedule for this miserable week.


"Mind the gap."
[COLOR:PURPLE][FONT SIZE=4] Well, I'm trying out some of this UBB code. It'll be interesting if it turns out the way I want it.

OK! So.......instead of a hip replacement surgery on Friday, I get to go in for a bone marrow biopsy on Thursday instead. I insisted on being put "out" because my BONE biopsies (different thing) have been absolutely excruciating. The surgeons who have worked on my bones all say the bone is rock hard and marble-like. Sometimes they even break off drill bits just trying to make the holes for screws.

On the other hand, the quality of the bone is rather fragile as well. Weird stuff, to say the least.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot to add that I have to collect my pee for 24 hours the day before. I hate doing that! Then there will be more blood work, of course. It's amazing how the MDs can ALWAYS find some test that needs more blood.

After that, I play the "waiting game." Won't meet with the hematologist until the following week to find out any results.

Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe SOME form of magical thinking will help. After all, religions are loaded with magical thinking and people believe that too.

That absolutely amazes me. I'm a Unitarian Universalist and we tend to be more rational than many (not all!) followers of other religions. The laws of physics dictate that certain "claims" made in the bible are in fact impossible.

Oh. Now I better tell MYSELF to shut up! Sometimes I just can't resist a good old fashion theological debate. And I don't really know where you all are on the issue.

Here's a question for you:
Is it possible to prove the existence of a god? And how would you go about doing that?

"Mind the mouth, Nancy!"
Is it possible to prove the existence of a god? And how would you go about doing that?

We are not a philosophical bunch here!

I think if you want to start a wider debate Nancy on the meaning of Liff (as Douglas Adams put it) your in the wrong


Start a new topic in the general one!

A word of warning. We have all cultures and nations here. Heated political debate is barely possible because our poiliticians (thank goodness!) are largely unknown outside the UK.

However debates on religious beliefs (or lack of them) can rouse passions that are probably best avoided. If you want a good theological debate, choose a knowledgeable person to have a quiet chat with - open debates, I find, bring in strident advocates of their own belief systems who insist that they are absolutely right!

I wish I could be so certain!


I know you're right. I have this somewhat naive idea that a CALM, POLITE conversation on religion is possible. I was hoping those in the UK would be a little more reserved in their reactions toward one another.

In the US, whenever a "believer" runs out of things to say, bible verses are quoted ad nauseam. I was just wondering if that would be different here.

But, again, you're right. This really doesn't belong on this thread so I will end any further philosophical discussion now. BEFORE I get into trouble, this time! LOL! Thanks for the tip.


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