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Regarding lawn signs – based on a couple of the posts, it appears that some, or lots, of the “informed voters” get informed by driving around town.

Another curiosity – the candidates’ party is usually/always not on the sign. It probably means that the color of the sign is more important than their party affiliation.

I understand that “the opposition” parties are stealing some lawn signs causing some homeowners to bring their signs in at night. Another quirk - early morning on election day clandestine groups of volunteers plant lawn signs on unsuspecting property owners. That must mean there’s a block of voters that decide who/what they will vote for based on the signs they see on the way to vote.

I wonder if lawn signs influence politicians’ vote.
Latest craze in NY is to put the
bumper sticker over the urinal in the mens room. I tried pulling one off - impossible without a high temperature heat gun.

Someone put a Bush sticker on the bumper of our new VFW ambulance and they scratched the bumper chrome getting it off. We raised Forty Thousand for the new van - it takes people to the Big VA hospital in Albany about 100 miles. A very good program - the bumper sticker has caused a lot of ill will. Some want to lynch whoever put it on
Others want to lynch the one who took it off.
I stood by and ate a tray of pepperoni and came home sick.
All very childish and never rational....
Just changed as much as I could in my profile including my e-mail address - when it came up double it was rejected as spam by my 2005 Norton Virus program.
So I released the spam - the confirmation
was activated. so now I have changed everything but my E-Bay Name. When I do that I think I am coming back as a new member. will see now if I can edit. Mory
Still no edit features - I did change my e-mail to the new Road Runner. address.
Last thing to change is my E-Bay name and that probably will restore everything.

I think now what's messing with me is my new 2005 Norton Anti - Virus and spam program. It even randomly is dropping pictures attached to my incoming E-Mails. I can look at them in the Norton Program and then they get deleted.

The AS e-mail verifications were rejected as spam so I was locked out of posting until I found what was happening. By turning OFF Norton I was able to get back into the Forum amd again change my Profile - all but my E-Bay
name. For 15 minutes I changed my ID to
"Bumper" and all my past posts showed bumper.
Then I changed it back. still can't edit..
I want to thank everyone for your help - Mory
That was fun - but it didn't give me back the edit gimlet or delete or that edit that allows you to extract a quote.
I wouldn’t expect that it would.

Strange though a couple more permissions are showing but not the ones I need.
I’m surprised it did that much.

The “Display Name” (Author Name) is primarily used as a description. It allows “us” to keep track of who “us” are, but doesn’t appear to do much for the forum’s internal functions. Other than keeping track of who’s who, about the only thing it seems to accomplish is to prevent duplicating names. When you sign up for the forum, you are assigned a number called an “Author ID”. Your number is 788606685. As best as I can determine, that number doesn’t change. It didn’t appear to change when you changed your “Display Name”. The display name can be changed multiple times, and can even be changed back. The advantage of this consistent number is for bringing up past posts. You can still bring up past post for someone that has changed their “Display Name”.
..JAMA - I upgraded to the new complete program for 2005 - It's got all the programs combined - I traded the old program installed direct with Norton for
$39 more. If you start from scratch I think it's $69. This however is the first one that has worked for me. Nothing gets past it. You can check the items that have been deleted. Thats where I found the e-mail verification notices sent
automaticaly by AS. Since I didn't see them I didn't send them back which kept me from posting on the Forum.
Friends sent me several cartoons for Halloween--
These Norton sent to hold as suspect spam.
If a picture is included within the text of am e-mail it shows. If it's an attachment it looks like it's going to the Spam Holding Area.
I've only been using it a week so really can't
say for sure what its doing. I'll know by the New Year as I get Mega Mail. I have kept my old E-Mail but will drop it at the end of the year from my desktop which I am using to edit a Movie. My personal mail and shopping is now on my laptop. When I moved AS to my Laptop is when I lost the ability to correct or delete my posts.
I have about 20 words I have mispelled all my life - some of it is just sloppy typing.

Anybody know where I can buy the new SONY - picture Cell Phone under $800. Probably not until after Christmas. I saw the new Russian Cell Phone on TV this week - with the same features as the Sony - but getting it fixed? I've dropped
two already so don't dare buy one of those.

While cleaning the kitchen I found two black banannas so made a small Bananna loaf - am having a slice now with my Folgers coffee.
It's a killer with a smear of cream cheese but
I don't have any.
Thanks Rick I'm going to review all the posts. - Mory
Regarding US elections: HOPEFULLY they'll be OVER and DONE with within the next 36 hours! Roll Eyes I just hope there is no repeat of 2000! Roll Eyes

An interesting election site is <<HERE>>. This site has recently become one of the top 1000 websites with LOADS of hits/day!

If you don't like the predictions at that site, maybe <<THIS ONE>> will be more appealing to you. Wink I discovered this site shortly after the 2000 US presidential elections and was immediately impressed & fascinated by all the information it has about ALL US presidential elections since the VERY FIRST one!!
Was chasing links and reading on that presidentelect site again! Roll Eyes (Told you I liked it!) Wink

<<THIS ARTICLE>> is really interesting in that it describes how the U.S. electoral college works to elect the American president. Worthwhile reading and interesting diversion for anyone interested in the background minutia of American presidential elections, including the 2000 fiasco! Those who have election overload may just want to ignore this post! Wink
JAMA Sorry I couldn't reply sooner..Both
AS programs are affected. I am waiting for a reply from Infopop - EVE - anybody have a address for Ted O'Neil Infopop CEO. It looks like AS is paying for a EVE chat program that is being infected - maybe not - - just Halloween Gremlina Biting at Bat Dust. Like the election - in a few days my problems will be gone,,

I soaked a package of Walnuts last night in applesauce so today am baking a Walnut
Applesauce Loaf. I am experimenting reducing the applesauce and substituting
canned whole cranberry sauce. I want to have a new softer cranberry loaf for the Holidays.
Then have to go out and get some. bourbon to glaze the fruitcake. Also need a rum for the Christmas hard sauce, Just small b ottles - don't want the baker getting tipsy. Last trip is to the dollar store for some decorated tins for the cake.
I'm rushing the schedule but have a few to get in the mail to APO's Have a great day everyone..
Mory, I thought maybe it was something to do with your laptop itself, but I guess not since it is in both computers! Darn! I suppose you know that the new AS posts only have a folder and a triangle at the bottom until you post and then it adds the eraser. Below that, the two reply buttons. Didn't the old one have more? I am not an expert, but I was thinking it did.

Goodness, now I see why you have he cute little baker. It sound as though you are quite a chef!
Found the Infopop Address & Phone - Line is busy so back to e-mail questions-
maybe someone in Seattle can answer the mystery.
Yes, Jamma I bake everyday in the winter
It warms up the kitchen - the house smells
good and the coffee pot is always on...
Boy am I hungover from TV today - I watched the BRAVO West Wing marathon yesterday - had to get caught up for this season.
From: Don York
Date: 03 NOV 2004 at 10:10 AM
Hello Morris Jung

If you are referring to the edit icon that appears in your posts, it is likely that the
b oard administrator has removed the permission to use that feature. It is not something that was removed by Infopop.
You should contact the board administrator
to find out why you no longer have that ability.

Don York
Customer Support Advocate
Infopop Corporation

The above is the reply that came from
Seattle Infopop today.
Thanks Shirl: Power was off 5 hrs last night. So ended up late defrosting the Ice Box & freezer. One more hour and I would have hooked-up the generator. It was a good trial run.
I put a smaller pump on my water system so now everything can run on my new 5kwh generator. I am all set now for a 30 day stand alone situation. If anything
happens when I am at the farm I can live three months. I like being prepared and if I am then nothing will happen.
No I at the Apartment - restocking the kitchen - lost a lot when the floor
crashed. I work about an hour and when I get tired I come sit at the laptop.I put in new (very bright) kitchen lighting.
Now I can see all the streaks I made
steam cleaning. I am not a clean freak
but I did let things get run down so
Its cleanup time whenever I get a little
energy. I had flour everywhere after
the pie marathon last week.. Only .consolation is we made 25 hundred at fall dinner so we have
oil for church this winter. We didn't use all the pies so sold off the rest,
I brought home a mincemeat & Pecan Chocolate Mud Pie..I'll take it somewhere
during the holidays - If I taste it I'll eat it all. We use to GIVE the pies to the kitchen helpers but now there are only six women left - who do everything and only one is under 70. They did all the work. They cleaned for three days. So you adjust. Have way thru the night -I said I had to go home for a minute -
They inquired for a smoke? and I said no
for a pain killer..Four held out bottles and said here, have one of mine..Great

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