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Reply to "Fortune Cookie IV"

No I at the Apartment - restocking the kitchen - lost a lot when the floor
crashed. I work about an hour and when I get tired I come sit at the laptop.I put in new (very bright) kitchen lighting.
Now I can see all the streaks I made
steam cleaning. I am not a clean freak
but I did let things get run down so
Its cleanup time whenever I get a little
energy. I had flour everywhere after
the pie marathon last week.. Only .consolation is we made 25 hundred at fall dinner so we have
oil for church this winter. We didn't use all the pies so sold off the rest,
I brought home a mincemeat & Pecan Chocolate Mud Pie..I'll take it somewhere
during the holidays - If I taste it I'll eat it all. We use to GIVE the pies to the kitchen helpers but now there are only six women left - who do everything and only one is under 70. They did all the work. They cleaned for three days. So you adjust. Have way thru the night -I said I had to go home for a minute -
They inquired for a smoke? and I said no
for a pain killer..Four held out bottles and said here, have one of mine..Great