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No Jake: I didn't learn to Dive until 1953. I was in Monterey in 1951 I was 19.
I went fishing with John Steinbeck before he was famous and it was a commercial fishing dock not a tourist attraction. It's a lot of celebrity restaurants with $10 bowls of chowder now. I was lucky I got to see it unspoiled. I went fishing off John Steinbecks boat 3 times. First time I was violently seasick. the second I was woozy and the 3rd time You would think I was born on the boat. Good Times.

Accomplishment Is 90% Getting Started
Sometimes before I am finished it will auto post. then I post and it says it's already posted and sure nuff it's there..But I never sent it - Spooky//
Yes I like the Smiley Flag - Only saw it in one size.
When I do a correction does the post leave and then come back or just ezchange it when I'm done..

Accomplishment Is 90% Getting Started
My eyesight is so bad I can't really discern the little smiley's so can't/ don't use them. keeps me out of trouble
Lexie you just need to drop the Aussie flag in the middle - I would if knew what to do. Now I can see the little eyeballs flying but can't see inside the flame but feel something is there.

Accomplishment Is 90% Getting Started
Thanks Lexi: I can't use a heater in here the place is wired with old 15 amp fuses.
My friends at the firehouse found me overloaded so have put my place on the Do Not Recessitate List. In Otherwords they may not enter the building to fight a fire even if I"m still in it. Too Dangerous. That's why I now sleep up in the front Activity room next to the door. In one of the back bedrooms I would not make it out.Good Night - mory

Accomplishment Is 90% Getting Started
My niece does and she has epilepsy

It's been about 25 years since I tried to learn to SCUBA dive. Was your neice alllowed to take the class more recently. Maybe it was a liability issue that they refused me, or maybe it's just Calif. This is a screwy state. Beautiful, but screwy. Couldn't take flying lessons either. Probably just as well, I'm sure I would have drowned or crashed by now anyway.

Mory probably doesn't even own a can opener Lexie. Everything he fixes sound good but then I think about all the time involved in preparing it plus all the mess plus he watches the news while he eats. Talk about depressing, I want to go take an anti-depressant just thinking about it. I nuke a TV dinner, watch a sit-com and wash one fork. Now that's happiness!

Just heard from the seller I was belly aching about earlier. He shipped the book, and didn't hesitate to point out, "I stated in the description it could take up to 4 weeks for delivery". I just think he put off getting it in the mail. I'll give him his crummy 4 weeks, then I'll take mory's advice and "let him have it with both barrels".

I will say GOOD MORNING!! well for you guys anways. I am off to bed shortly and you lot will be getting up - eventually (its Sunday huh?).

Jake - I love to cook, but I cant make Mushroom Soup to save myself. I like the 1 fork idea though.

I bet Mory does own a can opener and he will have sniped a whizz-bang one for a song off ebay. Now whether he can find it amongst all his other stuff is another question. Wink

I made Chicken and Mushroom Fettucini for dinner. Yum Yum!! Tyler made a real mess though.


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