Must admit I'm somewhat surprised that some on this board would side with my buyer on this issue, so let me revise & extend my remarks on this deal to see if I change any minds!
Monday --
~8 am. Take Mom to have cataract surgery.
3 pm. Go to work until 12 midnite.
4:55:48 pm. E-mail post time for Paypal payment notification for ebay store item purchase.
Tuesday --
~12:30 am. Check e-mail & discover order & paypal payment notification e-mail.
~7 am. Take Mom to follow-up Doc appointment.
~Noon-3pm. Pick up sister & friend (separate flights) at airport -- returning from vacation.
Wednesday -- Pick up item from storage (remote site).
Thursday --
Before NOON, item packaged, labeled, & shipped via USPS Priority Mail. E-mail auto-generated by USPS & sent to buyer when USPS label generated.
2:45 pm. Go to work until 12 midnite.
4:45 pm. Customer posts first complaining e-mail.
Friday --
~12 noon. Read buyer's first complaining e-mail (see above posts). Spend quite a few minutes incredulous, trying to decide if buyer serious or joking! Decide serious.
1:17 pm. First post in this topic w/buyer's e-mail.
1:39 pm. Replied (see above posts) to buyer's first e-mail.
2:10 pm. Buyer's 2nd e-mail (see above posts).
2:47 pm. 2nd post to this topic with copies of above 2 e-mails.
Saturday --
Did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with anything ebay!
2:02 pm. Item delivered by USPS to impatient customer!
Don't care what you guys say, even WITHOUT the personal family issues involved, I think an item ordered Monday evening being received by Saturday afternoon WITHOUT paying extra for expedited shipping/handling/processing is QUITE reasonable by any standards! -- especially for someone who is doing this part-time/as a hobby! At this point, I don't intend to change how I do things, EXCEPT I will refrain from posting FB first for THIS particular customer until I see what, if anything, is posted for me by them.
So, in light of the additional details above, who's the unreasonable one?

-- The seller (me) or the buyer? Have I changed any minds?

BTW, Mom's surgery went fantastic!

She thinks her eye may require little or NO correction except for reading!

She can see better'n ME now!