Was I really away for so long - how time flies in the quiet Highlands....It's nowhere near as bad as catching up with the Ebay boards (I've given up with them - too hectic) or even worse the Weightwatchers ones - they have literally hundreds of posts an hour!
I'm happy in the quiet backwaters of the Siberian clubs and the Pekin Bantams forum (and here, of course).

Mrs M. I search for "Onwards" quite often and have a daily search set up which is supposed to catch everything husky related on eBay. How on earth did I miss that one?! Maybe someone somewhere is being kind to my bank balance, although it would indeed be a bargain at $2500. Mind you, it's more than the price of a whole extra (real) husky....now which would I prefer, a puppy or a lovely porcelain sled team....I bet you can all guess which!

Here's a photo of Volk and me getting some rest after a hard day's eBaying! (well, just baying in his case....he he!)