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Good Morning Rick, I didn't see you there! Smile

I responded to the same post in where a member hasn't heard from the seller yet on an item they really wanted and sold for a song.
They are concerned that the seller is purposely dodging them.

I agree with your approach, Rick and added that perhaps they may want to contact the seller personaly.

I hope they have a successful transaction. The only time that has happened to me is one in which I purchased something that sold ridiculously low, and the seeler e-mailed me immeditately after the auction and told me that because the item was so heavy, shipping was going to be high, and if I wanted to back out of the deal, he would understand.

Well, after waiting a reasonable period of time for the item to arrive, I emailed him and he told me the the item must have been lost in the mail.

Because I had insured it, I asked him to track it. He refused and simply sent my money back.

I wasn't happy and feel that unfortunately, if a seller wants to back out of a deal, they can if they try to be crafty about it.
Originally posted by bjt:
I agree with your approach

Funny, I agree with your approach. And the fact that ebay sends an email to the other party also gives the seller an extra nudge.

Boy, sure glad I don't have Sara's job.Eek She's a lot more patient then I am.Eek The guy doesn't make any sense.Eek I think I would have booted him off.Eek
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I think I would agree that booting him off is the right thing to do at this time.
The person seems moe intent on baiting and antagonizing the situation more than actually finding a solution.

Sara has been patient, but I would not allow him to continue to post in such a disrespectful manner.

If he has a legitimate complaint, fine, but state it in a mature fashion.
If they can't, discussion's over.

That's been my approach with many of our rude clients and it seems to allow them to back down and discuss their concerns in a more rational way.

I just don't think this is going to be resolved the way it's going now, and I'm concerned that other new members will be put off by seeing this continued exchange.
You're probably right. He's the kind of customer that one should encourage to go to the competition. Sara sure is letting him speak his piece.

I wouldn't want the "Update items info" to change. I also don't know of anything that's perfect - this isn't a "Burning Bush".

Oh well, it does add some spice.
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Good Afternoon - my latest cup of tea is cold: I've been too busy!

I've just worked out why I couldn't find the eBay Cafe - it's only on I was looking on, which is where I normally start. I'll have to have a look at what goes on there when it's quiet here.

SS is just fine to save typing, folks. When I'm on eBay I use one of my dogs' nicknames as my ID (I've got nine - dogs that is, not IDs!) so I used another of his names - SuperSqueaky - here. Strange how dogs get so many names - KC registered name, call name, and at least two nicknames....

Like the rest of you I was shocked by the argument elsewhere on the forum. I participate in a few other forums related to my hobbies and this is by far the friendliest. I'm glad I found it, and I hope that Sara's controlled and sensible replies to this person convince anyone else thinking of joining just now that the "residents" here are pleasant people.

Off to get a hotter cup of tea!

Wow, Mrs M, your macaw is just beautiful! I have always wanted a macaw, but my partner doesn't much like birds, so the avian part of my menagerie is all outdoors and I don't feel that it would be fair for a macaw - they need a lot of interaction.

I have (at the moment) nine siberian huskies, three large parakeets (two gold mantled and one pennant's) and around two hundred budgerigars.

Now I ought to go and re-read the discussion on how to post graphics and put in a photo of one of my dogs....

I was out this evening with my wonderful new camera (bought by sniping, of course!) and took some lovely photos. Watch this space. Eek

SS, go to and put them on first. It is free and easy to do. Be sure not to compress and make sure you reduce them.... the first box, I type in 340 and click the second and it is automatic. Just kind of follow it through. After that copy to your clip and do your thing here and paste the image.

Originally posted by SuperSqueaky:
nine siberian huskies, three large parakeets (two gold mantled and one pennant's) and around two hundred budgerigars.

You can sing that using the Twelve Days of Christmas. Wink

WOW - I'll say you like animals. Maybe you should be called Noah.
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WOW! That's a lot of pets!
I am the manager of a large veterinary emergency and specialty practice here in Wisconsin.
I have been working with animals nearly all my life.

Right now because of my hectic schedule I only have pond fish. They are easy keepers!
Just a little food once or twice a day, minimal interaction and no hair on the sofa!

Pets sure do enrich our lives, though. The human / animal bond that I witness everyday with our clients is an amazing thing to see.
Really touching.

My days are somewhat hectic. I am responsible for 65 staff - 16 of them specialist veterinarians.
Our hospital is very busy - 24hrs / 7 days a week seeing emergency cases and specialty procedures.

I am in the process of having a website designed and newsletter published for our hospital.

I love my job, but it can also be a constant source of stress for me.

Its always nice to come home and relax. Home is where I find my relaxation and enjoyment.

I enjoy collecting and eBay is a great source for my collectibles and antiques.

I also enjoy visiting on the forum with you. Smile
Did ya's miss me????

Bet ya didnt even notice I wasnt around did ya's??? NOOOOOOoooOOOOOOooOOO I bet ya didnt!!

Dont start me on animals....I lurrrve animals!!

We have...Big Dog called Clyde, Moggie named Ebony, Goat called Gunston, Horse called Ming, Cockatiel called Joel and a Heiffer called Heiffer or Missy (or various other nasty things when she runs off down the road). Next I want a little pig.

Thats the menagerie.

Hubbie would like another dog, but that will have to wait until we do some fencing. Clyde is 4 and very good at hanging around the house, I would hate to get a new puppy and have it out on the road.

Ohh I can ramble...see what happens when I dont come in here for a day??? I have too much pent up waffling.

Anyways...better go beddie byes Smile

I'm the one sitting down looking grumpy - that's my concentrating face. I drive my dog team sitting because I have spina bifida - my friend Sharon rides shotgun in case I need any untangling or other assistance..... Although sometimes I do go out on my own.

In lead are Lupus and Cilla, in the middle is Volk (also known as Super Squeaky) and in wheel is Kenai. He is Volk and Lupus's dad.

No word from the chap with the PC. I emailed the lady who was high bidder on his other auction yesterday and I haven't heard from her either, so perhaps it's just holiday time - it is school holidays over here at the moment.

I think I forgot to mention my chickens yesterday - they eat the leftovers from the budgies and provide us with eggs...there are nine of them at the moment. Big Grin

A comment on how sellers differ between the collectables area and the electronics area....
I got a rare book delivered yesterday which I won the auction on a week after I won one for two memory sticks for my new camera. The book came from the US - the memory is coming from Jersey and it hasn't arrived yet! I have found that generally the folks who deal in collectables are really prompt and personal in their service. The folks who deal in computer parts are much more big business and take longer to get things this really true, or just my impression?

I really ought to do the washing up now.

See you all later,
Wow - as quick as I can type, you all post things!

I live in the north east of Scotland, although that photo was taken in the Highlands at a race we have each year in January. It's nowhere near as cold as we would like - not enough snow...hence the wheels.

Yes, the dogs are in training for racing all winter, and in the summer I show them. This year I've got four qualified for Crufts (the biggest dog show in the UK, in case non-doggy folks haven't heard of it).

I got into eBay looking for husky-related stuff - there's loads in the US, but very little here. Of course after that it becomes an addiction and you start looking for all sorts of things!

G'Mornin Rick, Mrs M, Squeaks and Bille Smile

And anybody else who is lurking

Oh and I dont think I want to see a pic of anyone "LMAO" sounds a bit ickie!!

I am sitting here not-so-patiently waiting for Tyler to wake up so we can go to the Health Nurse for a weigh in. Of course he picks this morning to sleep foreverrrrrrr - I am going to be sooo late for work.

Speaking of work - my boss has decided that since I do so well selling on Ebay that he should have a go (read: I do all the work and he reaps the benefits). I work for a caryard so I am sposed to be researching the legalities of a registered car yard selling online.

Have a great day all Smile
Lol, well, it is the nickname for my husband and it left a blank in my head for anything else! I have sold and shipped a lot of things over to your side and it usually cost as much as the product. But, guess it is a long way to ship!...BTW, sometime when you have a few moments, I would like to know how you met your husband way over there> Smile

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We are experiencing a good 'ol fashioned "Indian Summer" right now.
Temperatures have been gloriously mild. Yesterday the overnight low was about 60 degrees and the high was near 80!

Currently, the temps are 50 degrees with a high of 77 degrees expected. The skies have been sunny - absolutely a picture-perfect Fall!!

Can you tell this is my favorite time of year? Smile

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