Good Morning Rick, I didn't see you there!

I responded to the same post in where a member hasn't heard from the seller yet on an item they really wanted and sold for a song.
They are concerned that the seller is purposely dodging them.
I agree with your approach, Rick and added that perhaps they may want to contact the seller personaly.
I hope they have a successful transaction. The only time that has happened to me is one in which I purchased something that sold ridiculously low, and the seeler e-mailed me immeditately after the auction and told me that because the item was so heavy, shipping was going to be high, and if I wanted to back out of the deal, he would understand.
Well, after waiting a reasonable period of time for the item to arrive, I emailed him and he told me the the item must have been lost in the mail.
Because I had insured it, I asked him to track it. He refused and simply sent my money back.
I wasn't happy and feel that unfortunately, if a seller wants to back out of a deal, they can if they try to be crafty about it.