You’re Just No Damned Good, You Snipers
[Y]ou’ve just got to take something away from somebody, and be a sneak about it.
[E]njoy expressing their contempt for people
They aren’t just bidding for stuff, they’re screwing people over and enjoying it.
I think they just like 'getting over' on someone and are in it for the 'thrill' they get from causing honest bidders to loose what they have honestly worked to get.
[T]he thrill these deviates get from stabbing honest bidders in the back at the very last second.
You can read it in detail here
I especially love this Quote
"Is anyone else tired of being out bidded 20 seconds into the auction and not having time to bid back? I am tired of these people. We should contact ebay and have petition. Its not right."
I love sniping. I am in this to win and with each new item I win (pretty much every item I snipe) I remember when I could not win any of the item I bid on. The thrill I get from sniping is second only to the thrill I get when I put on my new Gucci shoes that I won using auction sniper. There are no words to explain this feeling; someone said it was better than sex. That’s like comparing a pair of Chanel Spectator Pumps to your favorite Wal-Mart Shoes. Not even in a same category. I love designer fashion, I love auction sniper. I used to feel lost, unsure, and incomplete. Now that I have Prada, Gucci, Chanel and Auction Sniper I am whole and one with the Earth.
Maybe I am addicted to sniping and can't see past my addiction to see what these people see. I really don't see anything thing wrong with sniping. I would really appreciate it if someone could explain this to me.