- Search elsewhere
Often you can get an item for a lot less from another source. I frequently see people bidding the big bucks on items they could purchase locally or through another online retailer quite reasonably. Use google, use pricewatch, look in second hand or discount stores. Make sure your 'bargain' really is! - Search Completed Auctions
That 'rare' item just might not be as rare as the seller wants you to think! You can also see what others have paid for this item so you don't over bid - Learn how to search
Search for misspellings! You can use eBay's 'or' function to easily search on multiple search strings ... i.e.
doll +(donny,marie,peewee,pee-wee)
will find all auctions for donny dolls, marie dolls or pee-wee dolls - Know your shipping costs
Is the shipping/handling listed in the auction? Is it appropriate for this item? If it isn't listed, contact the seller and ask!
Want to share your favorite eBay tip? Here are a couple of mine ...
Mother Mary Says, 'HONESTLY! you're just ruint!'
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