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I missed a snipe. Item number 2857420070. The auction ended with my max bid higher than the winning bid. I put a lead time of 12 secs. No email was sent.. nothing.. sigh. What am i doing wrong here? I've put it in a bidding folder and filtered the ready to snipe and the snipe appears. Now its just sitting there with the ready status even tho the auction ended. Any ideas on what actually happened?
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I had written an email to AS support requesting they post replies to problems and post updates about known AS and eBay issues, and wasn't very satisifed with the answer (which took 3 days to get). In general, the answer stated that the forum is for the users, not the AS staff... which in my opinion is a very lame answer. I did reply reiterating my thoughts on the subject.

I too hope that AS staff step up to the plate and become more proactive in informing us of known issues and responding to problems here. I think it is great that so many of us try to help when someone posts a problem, and we often speculate on the causes. Most of the time we are correct, but I'm sure what we have to say doesn't carry nearly as much weight as hearing it from an AS staff person!

I enjoy trying to help people out, but lately I've felt burdened with the concern that we (helpful users) are the only ones addressing posted concerns. And I've noticed a few people don't always believe what we have to say. I then find myself gathering info to "prove" my statements. This could all be avoided if AS staff would post a brief message the day following a known problem... like last Sat's eBay problems.

Ok... I've said enough. Glad others are piping up. Maybe AS staff will take note and make some changes.

Keeping my fingers crossed...

diva (aka Dag)
dagnabitgrabit posted: I had written an email to AS support requesting they post replies to problems and post updates about known AS and eBay issues, and wasn't very satisifed with the answer (which took 3 days to get). In general, the answer stated that the forum is for the users, not the AS staff... which in my opinion is a very lame answer.

Hmmm...well, the only problem with that response from AS is that their own folders are defined as follows:

News and Updates: Check here often for the latest news and updates from Auction Sniper.

Auction Sniper Support: The best place to get your questions answered. Post any issues here and get answers both from Auction Sniper support and from other Auction Sniper users!

I don't mind a "user's forum" - in fact, I admire groups/companies/etc that encourage free speech amongst their's just that they either need to follow the definitions of their folders in this forum, or they need to change the definition.


"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning"
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I agree with both Warriornun and dagnabitgrabit, in that to receive a response from AS that is in essence saying "its not our concern" is at the very least, poor customer service.

I feel that perhaps the folks at AS have started to rely on the responses from its members to answer questions and notify other members of service problems and system outages.

I am appreciative of their trust and faith in our abilities to answer questions and bring problems to their attention, but I think a more "official" word from AS would be more appropriate.

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