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Well, I've only been on this forum for just over a week and have found it more of a repository for social outcasts and personality disorders than for any assistance with a bidding tool. What is this fallacy that serenity was welcoming and guided newbies gently by the hand to a land of glowing candles and successful bids? Certainly not the experience I've had.

Humour is OK as long as it's only generated by one of the "regulars" then it can take the form of character assassination, delusion or downright rudeness.

It seems best to have an alternative personality or several just to keep up with the volleys of disparaging postings, at least one of which should be a fop or Little Lord Fauntleroy just to amuse the natives [oh sorry we killed all of those] - I meant the colonials.

Politics and religion are disdained unless of course it's of the brand and variety promoted by one of the incumbents. Flag waving jingoism is lauded just to ensure that the forum stays white and pure and without the riff raff of radicals or communists or .........................................

Should anyone have the temerity to have a different independent viewpoint then courteous argument does not suffice. There is this well rehearsed back slapping, aggressive, belittlement that emanates from these postings - doubting your character, your existence and even your sex.

I really don't have much more time to waste outlining the gracious welcome I have had, it is all there in the texts of previous messages [unless of course somebody should go back and edit them!]. In fact Rick has been one of the few contributors here who has been friendly and helpful and tried to present the intended humour in an inoffensive way.

This is no doubt why you lot of arrogant, overbearing, smug, self satisfied low brows [yes you know who you are] are presently trying to black ball him. Please gods [of whatever variety you choose] save me from those who live their lives vicariously through forums.

Dave [dd101] M UK - a real person.
This is no doubt why you lot of arrogant, overbearing, smug, self satisfied low brows [yes you know who you are] are presently trying to black ball him.

All of those and more!

If you look at my posts, I think you'll find I'm a fairly infrequent visitor to these shores. Its just that I heard a few cries of distress in May and flew in doing my best imitation of Ardal O'Hanlon

I rather proud of my role as Thermoman, so don't knock it! Dave, believe you me, there were loads of people helping newcomers and there was a lot of friendly banter.

I have no personal axe`to grind, I normally ignore characters like rick, but he has a way with him that is very "offputting" to the ladies and the less brash. I watched his behaviour for a while and felt that the complaints were justified.

Look, judging by your showing so far, you too can "throw your weight around" if needs be. I am in that phase, not particularly edifying, but sometimes the needs justify the ends.

There was once a utopia of friendliness and help on these boards - honest!

In the meantime - back to work - hopefully I can announce "job done" shortly. If not there are plenty of other strategies.

Will passing Australians & Americans please not abuse newbie "Dave" for a while - he is showing himself to be a bit "sensitive" to all this gore around him. I mean, like all Englishmen, it doesn't mean that if you were beaten soundly at school (I was!) that you can take it!

Flower power Paul (really!)
Last edited by camera
Why do you think I like the forum so much? Yes, ever since I had to leave Nevada, and all those delightful ranches and centers of sensual entertainment, I've had to find other outlets for me pleasure.

had = it involves an illicit proposition I made to the police chief’s wife. The chief didn’t mind, but the wife felt cheapen and outraged by the experience – I should have offered another $50.
Originally posted by Camera Collector:
Will passing Australians & Americans please not abuse newbie "Dave" for a while
Define “a while”, Camera. At least we finally agree that people were being rude and/or abusive to dd101. Say, you left out Brits, and why the plural on Australian? Lexie and GG are the only Aussies, and Lexie isn’t rude. Lots of rude Americans, though, so we agree there.

I gather that the Rick & dd101 conspiracy to take over the forum has joined the pile of other silly theories. So hard to get people to actually come out and admit they were wrong, let alone, say they were sorry.

WARNING – ignore, if you can, the rest of this post.


Camera appears somewhat confident (or boisterous) that I’m to be expunged from the forum. Should that happen, and you stick around, you might find this helpful:


Bartelby (Lexie)
Gardengnome (GG)

Camera Collector (Paul)
Mike from West Yorkshire
region2 (R2)

bjones9942 (BJ)
Falcon Gal (Christine)
I’d rather be shopping (Shop)
Jabbergah (Jabber, Jab)
Jakedduck (Jake)
Serenity (Mrs. M)
WIN¯¯IT¯¯ALL® (I think this is the right country)

Emohawk (Emo)

Hey, if I left you out, don’t get pissed. You weren’t suppose to be reading this, anyway.
Originally posted by Camera Collector:
1.3 grams
20 grains
Over my head, Paul. Is this one of your other strategies - you're going to metric me to death? Fine! I'm up for the challenge, but what ever you do, PLEASE, don't go back to Latin. Rap music - yes; Latin - no. That would be cruel.

Talking about metric (you weren't, I am), how do you guys record a person's height? In metric?
Gonna jump in here for a minute, well....coz I want to.

Re: Measuring stuff....

Depends on the generation, to what measurements are used.
See, my parents generation still talk in foot and inches and pounds.

My generation tends to talk in a combination of both. Guess that comes from having the metric system fairly new when I was at school and having parents/siblings that talked *old school*.

When I think of height, I always use feet and inches, but I know my metric height.

My nephews and neices are always *what's a foot in centimetres?"...I guess they are metric only.

Big Grin Way off topic, but you get that.

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