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Well... they are not really interested in improving the service per se. At this point they are really only interested in selling out to Google and so contingency bidding is not planned as this does not materially enhance the saleability of the enterprise, because Google could add the function in short order with about 10 hours of programming/engineering time

Come and get us Google, lol!

Actually we aren't adding that feature because few if any would use it, and it would complicate the site and user interface which would actually cost us money.

If we added it would you pay 3%? We may need to up the fees for bid groups as well. Very few use that and we end up doing 10x the work because far more bids are needed to finally win the item. It results in far more support as well. Then when it breaks, because we have to be super sure that they haven't already won an item, people lose confidence. It probably costs us more in lost customers than the feature makes.
Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:

If we added it would you pay 3%?

Yes, I personally would. It means more to overseas bidders, I imagine, of which I'm one, but there are many many overseas bidders who use AS, I'm sure. It's very often that I wish there were a contingency bidding function, because shipment costs are a huge component of my all-in cost, and combined shipping means a lot.

If one just looks at how often ebay sellers like to emphasize that they are indeed happy to combine shipping, that alone should indicate how relevant and important contingency bidding may be for AS users.

Maybe I could ask... has AS done any actual market research in this? By market research, I mean like simply an email to AS subscribers (or, hell, just overseas subscribers), asking them if they would find the function
A. Very useful
B. Possibly useful or
C. Not useful.
(And if you answered A or B, would you be willing to pay more than usual for successful bids in that context, A. yes, B. maybe, C. no and don't bother me any more)
Well, I bet AS hasn't done any research of the sort. So how does AS actually know the demand does not justify the trouble. AS doesn't. It's pure guessing on AS's part, isn't it? Why not at least try a survey like that. Just limit it to overseas registrants if you like.
Last edited by petronius
Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
We may need to up the fees for bid groups as well. Very few use that and we end up doing 10x the work because far more bids are needed to finally win the item. It results in far more support as well. Then when it breaks, because we have to be super sure that they haven't already won an item, people lose confidence. It probably costs us more in lost customers than the feature makes.

That's a rather defeatist-sounding thing to say. "...when it breaks...". Ha! For example I would use bid groups a lot more often if it hadn't friggin "broken" both times I used it. Also, whenever anyone sets bidgroups for Sunday night, it might help if AS flashed a bright red warning that AS recommend that the intervals between items would have to be much longer than usual in order to be confident bidgroups will function correctly, due to insuperable difficulties in ensuring log-ons. Like some peopple like R2 have repeatedly suggested, open and clear information and warnings would be a great way of minimizing discontent following failed bidgroups, and other hiccups. (Incidentally, in retrospect I see that both times I tried and failed with bidgroups, these were items that ended on the dreaded Sunday nite.) Of course, the first order of business would be technical improvements if possible, to try to reduce log-on problems and so forth, but very simple (I imagine) enhancements like added reminders and warnings would help.
Last edited by petronius
Here are some previous posts on contingency bidding:

Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
We'd like to add this feature if we get a chance. It's on the list. However, it's one of those type of things where most people wouldnt use it. So we generally try to add things that would be useful to the most people when we add them. Eventually we'll run out of those types of things and will end up adding this Smile

Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
Yes, the feature has been requested before, and one we've thought of for just the reason you mention, to save on shipping.

It's one of the better suggestions made as far as functionality, but as Steve mentioned our main concerns are how many people would use it, and how much would it clutter the already busy interface we have or confush people using the other bid group type.

It'll remain something high up on our list of features and if we can think of a way, or our site ever changes in a way that allows it to be added we can do it then.

Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
This is something we call contigency bidding and we dont have such a feature yet.

It basically allows you to set a condition whereby a snipe is only placed if you won an item of your choosing before that snipe.

I think it would be a cool feature but I've only heard it asked for once before. It would probably be something hard to program and most people wouldn't use or know how to use so it's not something likely to be added, but you never know.

Sara does/did seem to like the idea.
Originally posted by Sniper Sara B.:
Actually we aren't adding that feature because few if any would use it
Who would have thought that during declining consumption of coffee the public would be willing to pay $3.00 for a cup of coffee? Starbucks did! Who would have thought that the public would be willing to pay premium prices at grocery stores when that industry’s conventional wisdom was that the lowest priced provider would be the winner? Whole Foods did! Who would have thought that the Edsel . . . retract that example.

I don’t understand why AS hasn’t provided contingency bid groups when there has been demand for it (at least on the forum) and ebay doesn’t provide that service, nor does anyone else. But then, I don’t understand why AS did provide “My Watches” when there was no demand for it (at least on the forum) and ebay does provide that service, and a better one. Guess it’s time to give up my dream of being a sniping service mogul.
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum, but not to Auction Sniper.

I have a couple of comments on this topic:

Regarding the question of whether enough people would make use of a contingency bid function - I have been using A.S. for years, and I never even knew that Bid Groups existed. I'm not complaining about that, because I could have looked around the website at any time. My point is that maybe more A.S. users would use Bid Groups if they knew it existed! Therefore, it only seems logical that if a contingency bid function were created, a whole lot of people would use it if they knew it existed. I mean, what a great idea! There's a lot of money to be made there.

To A.S. staff: Why don't you try a simple email to everyone telling of the existence of Bid Groups, and see what happens?

My second point: regarding Sara B.'s comment as to the difficulty of programming a contingency bid system - it's not likely to be any more difficult than creating the Bid Group function was. In fact, it's likely to be much easier because you're not reinventing the wheel.

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