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CNN did another clip on the Jet Auction - they had the PIECES Photographed and said it would be doubtful if the aircraft could ever
be restored to fly. They also showed the Web Page with the price at 2 million.
This has enough attention now you could weld the frame together and sell $10 tickets to have your photo taken just sitting in it - and get your money back in a week. Between NY & Texas you could Gross 20 Million - this year - any investors?
bY tonight there will be T Shirts with the Web page & photo selling at Grand Central you can be sure.. & the book and movie rights will sell for more than the airframe. Now you can say
"Only In America" ....mory
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Great Site: In their search block I put
Sidney Australia Riot and got more on the youth that was killed when he fell on a fence. Very sad, it could have happened anywhere - and does.
The story on CNN at noon showed the jetframe in a pile by a long green dumpster plus a second photo of just the airframe. I did not see any Blue Paint - anywhere - so the photos on the auction site must be of other stock photos of other Hornets. Misleading?
The seller was on the radio this morning about the auction. Said they have had to cancell it 3 times due to fraudulant bidders,

He is expecting auction to end at $30 million.

I would think he would do better at a private auction house

also said bomb racks are non-functionable. and this bird was destioned a Blue Angle aircraft off the production line, so no weapons systems were ever put into the aircraft, and would be very difficult to incorporate

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