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In his post [_click here_] Kevin didn't tell us how to provide feedback and us mere-mortals cannot reply to his posting. So I thought I'd start this one...

The import works - two watched items appeared quite happily and it has the potential to be a good feature.


There are no links to the item. If you click on the photo or the item number in My Snipes it opens a new eBay window with the item. This new product does not have this feature.

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This new product does not have this feature.
Seems to be working now, at least after the item is imported to the watch page.

A little typo in the importing window:
We are currently importing your wathces from eBay, this may take a few minutes

In the “Items Action Bar”, add a “Snipe It Now” box to add multiple snipes in a page like “Add Multiple Snipes At Once”.

Put a link to the bid history on the “Bids:” field.
Hmm - it has to be reloaded every time you return - that's a real pain!

And, despite Rick's assurances, I can get find NO links to the items anywhere!

If you have imported the watches and click on the Import Items button the page goes back to the pre-import page but doesn't do the re-import.

The above means that the Update Prices button is redundant as it's never there when you have items visible.

Next, the Add new watch doesn't work. I added an item to watch and it said that it was added but the screen didn't change. I had to change to Active (spelt ACTVIE when you get there) for it to appear.

I guess this needs work - please let us know when these basic bugs have been rectified and I'll test it again!


I don't mind testing software that's in Beta form but I do mind testing software that is blatently not working - if every man and his dog is reporting typos then they're not reporting subtle problems that the dev. team haven't noticed or making suggestions at a stage where they can be more easily implemented. The errors we're noticing would have been spotted and corrected if someone your end had taken 5 mins to run through the new page(s).

As for your response "If you don't want to beta test, there is no requirement that you do so" - this is the response of a scolded child. Remember that many of your customers are busy people, the likes of Rick and I are often making sensible suggestions (some already implemented in the product); I for one would like to spend my valuable time beta testing a product that looks like it has had some QA time spent on it so that the feedback you get is worthwhile...

Do not get me wrong - I like the idea of this watch page and I'll definitely have another go on Thursday - so please get someone your end to test it for basic problems...

Heh, yeah, sorry about that, I guess I got a little defensive there... it's just that big huge thumbs down image, I think it's messing with my head! Lol! Smile

I do admit I am somewhat stuck with being too much on the technical side of development. Which means I always think of beta testing as making sure the functionality works and not really worrying too much about how it looks or the text on the pages. These are cleanup issues though that we normally would have sent to our content department to fix up before releasing. Why that didn't happen... well, that's another story.

As for your links not working, we're looking into that. My first guess was that you have affiliate links turned off on your account and we weren't properly checking that on the new watches page. However, that does not seem to be the case. Are you not able to click on the title of the watched items or the item #?

Hmm... anyway... I do feel silly for my earilier response and have to thank you for the testing you've done so far.

I will post back as soon as we make today's release.

Auctionsniper beta site has been updated with our latest fixes.

Here's a list of updates, hopefully I'm not leaving any out:

Sorting arrows are now displayed in the header area.

There are now links to the eBay items on the import watches page. (Should solve Region2's no links issue).

After adding new watch on the my watches page it now properly refreshes.

Progress bar pop-up now is displayed when loading import watches.

A number of typo's have been fixed.

One more upcoming change for next release will be linking the bid count to the bid history page on eBay. Not there yet though.

Beta site:

if every man and his dog is reporting typos
I sure hope the later isn’t a reference to me.

Checked out the changes – looks good.

One of the nice things about this, you don’t have to remember your ebay password to see the items you are watching. I so hate having to sign into ebay so often, although it’s now the only password that I can remember - of course, it's the only password that I HAVE to remember.
Supports over 100 watch items, which is more than ebay. Is there a max? If yes, what is it?

Will the AS’s My Watches page provide a message if the weekly maintenance is running?

Perhaps add “Reserve not meet” and “High Bidder ID”?

If I do an “Import Watches” of 100 auctions from My eBay, the “We are currently importing your watches from eBay, this may take a few minutes” status window disappears about halfway thru the process.

Maybe add a second status window once “Import Items” has been clicked.

With 100 auctions (or even less) on AS’s My Watches, if I set the “Items Per Page” to “25” and close the page, when I return to AS’s My Watches the “Items Per Page” is still at 25, but it only displays 10 auctions on the page. A refresh doesn’t help it. Same is true for “50” and “100”. This also happens when using “Add New Watch” – the display returns to 10 items although the “Items Per Page” has a different value.

On “Add New Watch”, after adding the item, perhaps redisplay the “Add Watch” window again with “Item Successfully Added to Watch List” instead of the “Successfully Added” window that has to be closed. This would allow adding multiple watches without having to close the “Successfully Added” window (I hope that makes sense).

On the “Add Watch” window, if you try to add an auction that is already on the watch list, the following warning is displayed: “You are already sniping this item. If the snipe is not in your list ...”.
Perhaps it should say, “You are already watching this item.
Hiya Kevin,

I will transfer my comments here from the other thread......

Why doesnt *watch it now* automatically fill in the item number etc, that snipe it now does?

Is it possible to make the *bid items* in a different colour to the *watch items*? the moment they all tend to blend in together and make it hard to track Smile
Ummmm - also....a separate *check all* box for the bid items AND the watch items.

OK - now this may very well be a particularly dumb question (I do have blonde moments, and the less sleep I get, the more blonde moment I seem to have) the hell do you add comments or anything into the optional fields and get them to stick?????
Still playing.......

When I used the watch it now link, I get the successfully added item confirmation but when I refresh my watches page...the new items arent there?

[just an off the wall bloody annoying are the sellers that have ALL right clicks you cant even copy n paste their item number Roll Eyes]
I imported successfully several times. Only received a system error once and couldn't replicate. I like the functionality. Here are some suggestions:
#1 - When you snipe an item from your watch list you should have the option to make it delete from the watch list at the same time
#2 - You should really add the functionality to swipe multiple items at the same time into a bid group. It was cumbersome to import the items, then move them to the watch group and then have to swipe them one-by-one into a bid group.
sure is - I was trying to suggest (in my usual sarcastic way!) that I hadn't gotten a reponse from AS on this and that maybe they were waiting for me to finish speaking! Ergo 'over' means "over to you" in Voice Procedure!

I actually don't rate this new page very highly - it's almost as if they gave it to the office junior to have a go at...

I have to keep reimporting my watches from ebay as they are not being saved. These imported watches directly from ebay can't be moved to other folders either.

Or if I set up a new folder and manually put a "watch" into it then change it to another folder it still shows in the original folder. If I delete the watch item in the original folder it also delets it in the new folder as well.

any help?

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