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Reply to "AS new feature -- testers needed"

Heh, yeah, sorry about that, I guess I got a little defensive there... it's just that big huge thumbs down image, I think it's messing with my head! Lol! Smile

I do admit I am somewhat stuck with being too much on the technical side of development. Which means I always think of beta testing as making sure the functionality works and not really worrying too much about how it looks or the text on the pages. These are cleanup issues though that we normally would have sent to our content department to fix up before releasing. Why that didn't happen... well, that's another story.

As for your links not working, we're looking into that. My first guess was that you have affiliate links turned off on your account and we weren't properly checking that on the new watches page. However, that does not seem to be the case. Are you not able to click on the title of the watched items or the item #?

Hmm... anyway... I do feel silly for my earilier response and have to thank you for the testing you've done so far.

I will post back as soon as we make today's release.
