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Originally posted by rsmiller40:
Rick, do you realize that your posts will soon be doubled since I came?

I told you that this is a much better forum since you arrived. I mean this Mrs. M - you have got this place hopping. Before you arrived this place was way too serious. You should be proud. You are the best thing to happen to this forum.
Well, anyway, we do have a lot of fun and really, we learn a lot in the process!....I think I said this to you when I first came on board, Rick. ALways speak on everyone's level. I noticed when I first started posting that many of the posts tended to be above people's heads. Anyway, that has changed and we have a great, til I get run out! Big Grin

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Good morning EVERYONE, and a SPECIAL good morning to Mrs. M.

I stay fairly current with this forum, and sometimes it's hard for me to keep up. It must be very difficult to miss a day. "Ya snooze - Ya loose."

Squeaky, you were gone for almost 2 days. That's must be like trying to read a week's worth of newspapers. Wink
Was I really away for so long - how time flies in the quiet Highlands....It's nowhere near as bad as catching up with the Ebay boards (I've given up with them - too hectic) or even worse the Weightwatchers ones - they have literally hundreds of posts an hour!

I'm happy in the quiet backwaters of the Siberian clubs and the Pekin Bantams forum (and here, of course). Smile

Mrs M. I search for "Onwards" quite often and have a daily search set up which is supposed to catch everything husky related on eBay. How on earth did I miss that one?! Maybe someone somewhere is being kind to my bank balance, although it would indeed be a bargain at $2500. Mind you, it's more than the price of a whole extra (real) which would I prefer, a puppy or a lovely porcelain sled team....I bet you can all guess which! Big Grin

Here's a photo of Volk and me getting some rest after a hard day's eBaying! (well, just baying in his case....he he!)

Ok, new at this so just trying to learn. I just happened to watch as my snipe for a product was not placed. I had watched someone place a bid for $61 and my bid was at $62.02, yet as time expired I watched my bid disappear and the winning bid was someone else at $62. I had a eight seconad lead time. Please explain this.

In the example the current bid price was $15.00. Placing a $20.01 would reach the next increment and would then outbid the $20. One need not win by a full increment, one need only reach the next increment for the bid to be placed, and since $20.01 is the high bid, they would win. That's why so many people bid uneven amounts.

Mrs. M,

evary says, "I just happened to watch as my snipe for a product was not placed." Then evary says, "I watched my bid disappear." Kind of difficult to understand what that means.

I assume that what evary is saying is that the price was at $61. Someone came in and placed a bid/snipe at $62 before every's snipe was placed. This prevented evary's snipe of $62.02 to be placed because it needed to be $63 ($62 + $1 next bid increment).

How did I do?
Originally posted by rsmiller40:
I think sometimes they think we are delving into their private life, asking for the auction #!

That's their call. Never hurts to ask, and you don't impress me as being the quiet type. Wink

Bid increments can get really hairy. You've seen a question regarding someone winning by $.01, which isn't a full increment. amh explained that to me 3 times before I finally got it, and I still have to do a double-take. That's about the toughest issue I've encountered on this forum.
Rick here's an example. Bidder A bids USD6.00. Bidder B bids 12.75. eBay will display the high bid as USD6.50 as the increment at that level is 50c. Sniper then snipes as USD13.05. When the auction concludes, Sniper has won by 30 cents. Isn't it that simple?

Well, of course it is, Rick. We both get it now! Big Grin Big Grin

Hiya Gang!!

I think I have Squeaks bug coz I feel like crap Frown
Tyler doesnt seem to care though the little blighter!! He still demands his attention. I shared it with my Mum this morning though - we went to the local craft market for a sticky beek. Bought some plants which I better plant and hopefully hubbie wont *weed eat* these ones Eek

Rick - if you would kindly consult your slang site you will see *poxie* on page 2 of the P's Razz

Mrs M - hope you are feeling better today Smile you too Squeaky!!

Wheres that Blonde that Kant Type??
ebay is an amazing place. Think of all the "stuff" that was stored in attics that was of no value to their owners, and now they can sell it. It sure has created a lot of wealth. And all the part time sellers that supplement their income. And all the millions and millions of stories.

Between ebay and most everything is available.
Originally posted by rsmiller40:
if I go into my profile and change my name in here to Mr.m, will I start over or will it just continue as is

I'd counsel against that. 1st) With the number of posts you have, it might cause a drain on the forum. It may have to go out and change all your posts. 2nd) It could cause confusion, as very few people would know who you are. 3rd) I'm not sure if it would cause you to start over, but I don't think so.

I see you've changed your signature from rsmiller40 to Mrs.M. I like that. Also, I think you can leave a pix with your signature, but I've never seen it done.
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He was a plumbing contractor before he got alzheimer's. He doesn't remember people, food, many, many words, but the odd thing is , he can still reason out and do with his hands. Well, this was a natural for him, of course because he had always worked with this materal. I set him up a little shop and he sits in there for hours, making each one exact! He has sold probably 3-4 hundred of them! It is wonderful therapy and a great source of pride for they realize what is happening to them, pride is very important.


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