Sorry, couldn't find one. The tissue boxes were my 1st. Maybe someone else can find a female smiley. It sure would help. We've messed that up a bunch of times, and Chatter163 has been called a "she" on 2 different occasions.
No problem Rick. "I enjoy being a girl" (name that musical!), but I don't have to advertise it. I suppose it WOULD help if I had a more gender-specific nick. We could get into a whole new topic about how certain nicks seem to point to a certain gender...
Now to confuse ya'll further, I thought about putting my real first name as my signature. But... the little eBay auction business we have running from home was originally set up by my sister, Janis, and therefore everything is under her name. For consistency-sake, anything related to the "business," I use her name.
So I'm having a identity crisis signing her name to the emails. Just recently, I started signing BOTH our names, so if I forget and sign my name as Debra by accident, no one will get TOO freaked out! In addition, I set up a completely separate yahoo account for my "personal" email - which includes my subscriptions to mail-lists, groups, and stores related to my Stephen King collection. lol
Now, AS Admins - if you are reading this, do not worry! Both Janis and I are authorized users on the credit card I registered with. I have a card with MY name and she has one with HERS. lol
Sooooo, you can call me Jan, or you can call me Deb, or you can call me Dag, or.....
