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(If there is any that is)
2 scenarios...same seller.

* Seller...lets call them *Duffus*. Duffus has 2 Shiny Pretty identical items ending 9 hours apart. Starting Price $16.00 BIN $18.00. I whacked in a proxy to get rid of BIN on item ending first and set snipe for $18.00 (still the other item available at this stage). Silly little nibblers come along and runf the price up over $24.00 with 4 hours left so I rush down and BIN the other item before anybody else can. Now....when I have numerous identical items I NEVER! have them in the same auction!! Why would you do that and lose yourself money?? Strange Confused

* Duffus also has some other Shiny Objects that I want with the Start Price $12.00 BIN $12.00...again.....strange...I know I am a tightarse, but why would you waste the extra 10cents to have both starting and BIN??

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Duffus (seller) one might be OK if there are lots of shinny things up for bid, and they seem to be selling well. More often than not, an opening bid is placed rather than using the BIN. After the first bid, shoppers assume they are from different sellers, because looking at a list of items, one is BIN, and the other is not. The real duffus is the guy that bid $24 when he could have done like you and got the same thing from the same seller for 25% less. For some strange reason, people tend to think if you BIN you are automatically paying to much because the seller is getting what he wants. That’s why I have never and will never us a BIN in my auction. Every auction I’ve ever held (except two) has been $1 to open with no reserve.

I’ve seen duffus 2 before, and it baffles me also. One of my last purchases was opening bid and BIN for $99.00. I snatched it up. (I got lucky and found it in view sellers other items before a general search could find it) While the seller never discussed or brought it up, it may have been a mistake on his part. Within 24 hours I got an e-mail offering me $150. (not from the seller)

[This message was edited by puppy_raiser on December 07, 2003 at 02:36 PM.]
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I was surprised by buyer behaviour recently when there were three of a widget I wanted offered by the same seller, all with the BIN £1 higher than the starting price. I bid on one at the starting price, hoping (stingy Scot, you know!) to get the widget for a pound less than I might otherwise.

Two other bidders turned up and bid against each other, sending the price way above the BIN. I just went and bought one of the other two widgets at the BIN price and felt very pleased with myself! Wink

Hello all!

The weekend was fine, in the end, but mainly because I threw a strop in the garage and they gave me the van back unfinished....well, unstarted really. Mad

They want it back to finish the work this week, but there's no way I can do without it until next week - I'm racing again at the weekend.

The dogs did really well, and we came fifth overall, which I was absolutely delighted with - after all, they've got to drag my weight around with them! Big Grin

Starting Price $16.00 BIN $18.00. I whacked in a proxy to get rid of BIN on item ending first and set snipe for $18.00 (still the other item available at this stage).
What I don't understand is why didn't you just use the BIN in the first place? You stomped the BIN by setting a proxy bid, then set your snipe for the BIN price?? I don't get it.
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