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quote:Ummm maybe this is why women are called the stronger sex
It's about time - I'm tried of doing all the manual work, and tired of always being on the top.quote:Ummm maybe this is why women are called the stronger sex
I think it would be the ipula. Surgical removal would be a ipuloctomy. The sound would be – “Crap, can we talk about this?”quote:Originally posted by Bartelby:
"Ipulate" is definitely the removal of a body part, I just havent decided what part.
Is there ever? And, would that be before or after the 30 seconds?quote:Originally posted by Bartelby:
I'd say it would have to be after Rick, otherwise there wouldnt be much of anything going on.
quote:Originally posted by Rick:
Perhaps you are right. I loose track of time.
It’s whatever the length of the commercials are during a televised sporting event
Anyway, why would any gal want to fake for more than 30 seconds – this isn’t the Oscars. After 30 seconds, even a guy (well, some of them) would start to suspect.
P.S. Take out the batteries in the remote – you might just get 10 or 15 more seconds. And if that doesn't work, you could always use the batteries elsewhere.
quote:Originally posted by Mike from West Yorkshire:
I've tried tightening it, but it doesn't work.
Part of the weddingquote:Originally posted by Mike from West Yorkshire:
You call tham remotes? Oh, those remotes!!![]()
quote:Originally posted by Rick:
I started X-mas celebrating early, so I was pretty loose.
Can one be tight if they are passed out? I felt pretty relaxed.quote:Originally posted by Mike from West Yorkshire:
We are still celebrating it, Rick, so could probably be described as tight!![]()
From my limited experiences, an implant is typically preferred to a no-plant. I’m reminded of the story of Jack and his Beanstalk - it about a young lad with a humongous plant.quote:Originally posted by aussie_girl:
Rick, ipulated sound more like something implanted....better be careful![]()
Wasn't it, "I'll grind his bones to make my bread."?quote:I'll have his bones to grind my bread.
I think a little flirting would do the trick.quote:I wonder what raising agent you would use?
Shop’s husband might be able to provide a baker's insight.quote:I would ask Mory if he was here.
quote:Originally posted by Rick:I think a little flirting would do the trick.quote:I wonder what raising agent you would use?
Lexie,quote:we are talking about bones after all.
quote:Originally posted by Rick:
but I know when I’ve been licked and beat).
quote:30 - love.
If I could just score - story of my life