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E-Mail addresses would be great - no big deal
I'd like Derek's address - I could mail him the Chocolate Chip Oatmeal cookies like my mom sent me to Korea...
And as for a "Disc" I can't even say the word without hurting all over...
Time for me to have meal #4 a bowl of broth and my B12 and dream of chocolate and pudding and cream filled doughnuts and coffee.
Good night all - mory ....Mrs M your only as old as your mind..
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Originally posted by MG intern:
BJones......ewww, don't say ruptured disc. I have never felt such pain in my life. I thought I was going to go crazy. Well, maybe having my kids hurt that bad, but at least I got a prize for that pain!! Eek

I spent months of 3 x per week visits to the chiropractor. The best remedy was getting a new mattress. It changed almost constant searing pain into a much more manageable dull throb. Anything involving bending at the waist will still put me down - one day I'm going for the surgery.

Mother Mary Says, 'HONESTLY! you're just ruint!'
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SS; You can only do it once every six weeks - It's not complex -no sugar salt or caffeine -take vitamin supplements plus Calcium then excercise.. We all know what it takes. I got a treadmill and walk 3 times a day -I increase time not speed. For me , water is the key, I drink 3 gal. I fill three jugs and don't go to bed until they are empty. I see a Dr and a Dietician every month. I have two medical plans and push them to the max. If I cheat, I charge myself for it. Yesterday I picked up a chocolate coated Cherry at the Mobil. cash register - when I got home I walked six miles. It wasn't worth it - I am beat today. I always use a credit card at the pump so I am not tempted . usually ..

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