While I couldn't call it popular yet, I've seen the following more than once.
Seller lists an item for 3 days. If there are no bids, they revise the auction and make it a 5 day. If still no bids they revise again and make it a 7 day. The theory is, an item would appear closer to the top of a search results page than simply listing a 7 day auction to begin with.
Not something I would try, because a minimum bid placed early on, would prevent listing for 7 days, but I've seen sellers do it.
My understanding is that AS checks for this and will adjust a snipe that's been entered, but they only run this job about once a day.
Is this still the case?
Once a day isn't good enough, since an auction can still be revised with just over 12 hours left. A snipe placed 2 days early would be quite annoying.
Should I continue to double check snipes and auction end times in the closing hours, or might this be a reason to also enter an early minimum bid?
Thanks in advance for any opinions and insight.
On a personal note.
Hi Jabber. Got your message... thanks.
...and HI to everyone else. Best wishes.
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