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Mrs.M I am Looking for small cuts of Italian Pecorino. It comes usually in ll lb wheels
but only need a small..wedge. A "wheel" at The Cheese Supply is $356 plus postage. The wholesale is $285. Checking places now. I thought I couldn't get smoked salmon to snipe but last month I got some. I'm checking.
If AS needs space they can delete my posts - no problem.. Tomorow is payday so I can Snipe again.. Yippie,,,I see Microsoft upped the reward on the new Virus Creator. I'm deleting all my E=Mail unopened unless
I know the sender. mory
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...or maybe the Cooking Sniper! I think this would be a good topic for you, Mory! Wink Seems like everytime I was reading your posts in the Heavenly Waffles topic, my mouth was watering!

This Pec. cheese you describe sounds pretty exotic. I'm rather boring when it comes to cheeses -- american, sharp american, cheddar, parmesan, mozarella, and provalone. Would one need to go to a specialty cheese shop to get this pec. cheese?

I think you need to post one of your favorite recipes a week. Big Grin

Something I found in a yahoo search:

Pecorino is the name given to all Italian cheeses made from sheep's milk. Pecorino Romano is the name given to cheeses from the Rome area, Pecorino Sardo is from Sardinia, Pecorino Siciliano from Sicily. It is traditional, creamery, hard, drum-shaped cheese. The smooth, hard rind is pale straw to dark brown in color. The cheese is made between November and late June. Pecorino Romano is larger than most cheeses of this type and must be pressed. It takes eight to 12 months to mature, during which time it develops its characteristic flavor - salty, with a fruity tang that becomes steadily more robust. The rind varies in color, depending on the age of the cheese, and may have a protecting coating of lard or oil. The compact interior is white to pale yellow, with irregular, small eyes. Pepato is a variety spiced with peppercorns.

Pecorino Romano

Pecorino Romano is made from sheep's milk. It is straw-white in color and has a sharper flavor than the other cheeses listed here. Although it is sometimes referred to as "Locatelli" Locatelli is a brand name of Pecorino Romano. Pecora in Italian means sheep and Pecorino Romano is one of Italy's oldest cheeses. Legend has it that a shepherd filled his flask with sheep's milk before a long trip and the motion during the trip caused the milk to naturally ferment. The idea for a new cheese was born. Today most Pecorino is made in Sardina Italy. With its fine flavor Pecorino's popularity as a grating cheese has grown significantly in the U.S. Since sheep only give milk for 6-7 months a year all production must satisfy the public's demand for the entire year.

Which kind do you use , Mory? I saw prices ranging from $19/lb to $9/lb. Didn't look at shipping costs.

When I go to the Cheese Shop I just ask for a small wedge of plain Pecorino.- and add, try to keep it under $10. They usually have two plain and a pepper. I don't buy the pepper any more it fouls my grater and I have pepercorns everwhere - they are hard on my bare feet when I'm raiding the frig at night. Of the two left I get the oldest - at least a year.
They have more flavor, dryer to grate and it last longer without discoloring. I tasted four varieties in Rome and two in Florence they were all great. I was going to bring back a wheel but was leary about customs. Was I ever disapointed when they waved me on..I said to the 400 lb female agent. I got up at 4am to pack aren't you even going to "look" - She said -Honey, YOU is not a smuggler - Move It.. & I new immediately I was back in NY. Sorry I was away for a time had to soak some swiss steak in buttermilk .I'm making Country Fried Steak Saturday in the Fogor Broaster. mory
Jabbergah - Great info - I copied it...

Rick: I'm not sure I understand..

Mrs. M - You don't need it- use Parm..until you find some Pec.. The reason I bake it first is to get the rich beef flavor out..When I had the stock pot on my wood stove I just drained off broth for the soup..But I have left the farm for winter. Soooo its a 2 day
project to get the fat out. and get the flavor in.

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