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LEXIE: I AM SO WOUND UP ABOUT COMING...YOU wouldn't believe the dreams I am having. I have been saving for four years but my brother
recently passed and left me money for a ticket. so just have to wind up a few things here like selling my farm this coming summer. I have a couple invitations so can be in all four states I think in a year. Have already made banking arrangements for my retirement checks to be forwarded. Plan to visit several places during the Shearing.
I studied Columbia, South Down and Rambolet sheep Breeding at the University of Minnesota
but ended up in Advertising for a Career - ain't that a Hoot.. Since I spent 3 yrs with the natives at Point Barrow at the top of
the US , I thought it would be cool to visit your Northern Coast as well. Then I'm going to Germany to see my Great Grandfathers farm.
And then thats it.... mory
Mrs M.: Oh the Coho are wonderful when about six pounds - I had them while cooking down on the Kenai Peninsula. The Alaska King is most famous and then the Sockeye. The Chinook is what brings the high rollers to Alaska for world clash fishing.. The Coho were called Silvers by the natives ...and they had a word for the black spots on the back but I've forgotten it.
Chinook means "warm Wind" and what that has to do with salmon I'll never know.

I am just full of totaly useless information....I'd like to clean house
so I can improve my AS learning curve...
Mrs.M. I realy like your colorful " welcomes "- just forgot to tell you...

I deleted 76 spam messages today - 16 were for Viagra... I have no idea whats generating this but I am ready to get a new E-mail address.
I put a couple blocker programs in but they call for closing Cookies. I put in Cookie Pal - it was great but lost AS so had to delete that. Now I've lost the AS snipe I set up on E-Bay. Think I'll meet with my host server next week and see what they recomend..or I am going to Digital or Road Runner
The main Jung farm called Jungerhoven was where the Brandenburg Gate plaza is now. The farm was conscripted and made into a parade ground. But for many years my Great Grandfather and his 11 sisters daily milked 100 cows there by hand.
The sisters hand cleared, over 160 acres of rock by hand - a monumental task. I am the last survivor - our family name will go with me.

So just thought I'd check it out as my last flight......
Oh, Mory, I darned near forgot the best part! A neighbor, a couple of doors down , I knew was a great cook. I was telling him about the recipe and my search for Italian Pecorino cheese. Guess what he had...yep, and I did a little bartering with him. I enjoyed my soup with a little Italian Pecorino cheese and he enjoyed my soup! Great trade!! Wink He says he uses it quite frequently in is recipes.

MRS M. No problem with the Dr. I was asked to eat Salmon at least once a week by both him and my Dietician. Studies have shown that people who eat fish once a week live much longer.
It's all in the Omega content and Wild Alaskan Salmon is as they say Off The Chart. The farm salmon is so lacking in mega they feed it Sups and color it to make it palatable - but who needs all the PCB's. Its unatural.
Just buy the wild. I set out to try and snipe some salmon and succeded.
I bid on a 24# case. I won it at $41.77 the
sniping fee to AS was 42 cents. The freight
was $8.50 or so. The cheapest 12# box I can find is $195 x2 400 top $500 so I sniped $400 of Alaska Salmon for $50. Not bad....
This is unsmoked - cooked in natural juice. The
filets are beautiful. I opened a 4 lb unit and froze the other five. At first I thought it was smoked and then I saw the check mark on the case "precooked light". and it is...
They even sent recipe: Drain Put 10 to 12 oz in bowl,add 2tbl spoon mayo 1/3 cup diced
celery, 1/3 cup fine chopped scallion, 3 tsp lemon juice and ground pepper, blend with a fork, chill and serve. This gives me four
fabulous servings (worth $12) for $3.
Now I put down a Bed of lettuce - sprinkled the bottom with sliced black olives
- added the Salmon & Lemon Wedges... That was my lunch today - I used Diet Mayo.
This was my Best Snipe in January - Thanks AS!
So my doctor will be happy that I have one less
meat day and I am a very happy Sniper. mory
I've just popped in to see how everyone is and discovered all this wonderful "Salmon" chat...

It's really sad for me because I love salmon, but of course now we have been told not to eat farmed local salmon more than three times a year, and I can't afford the wild stuff - it's more expensive than gold!

Do you live in Alaska nowadays, Mory? I have a dream to one day visit there (of course!).

It had never occurred to me to look for food on eBay - although I wonder how fresh salmon or meat would be by the time it arrived in the post... Big Grin

BTW, if anyone is wondering why I'm so quiet - it's because I've got that small fluffy bundle keeping me away from the PC, and because it's so cold here that I can't type for more than a few minutes without my hands going numb! Roll Eyes

SS: No, my Alaska Days are over - but I lived in 15 villages over 12 years - & homesteaded there. I hitchiked to Alaska in 1954 - like it and stayed. Worked construction on the Distant Early Warning Line and White Alyce Radar sites.
In all I went back 14 times so pretty much know the drill.. If you have amy questions E-Mail me and I'll fill you in.
SS: Most salmon is packed in Dry Ice when shipped, as is the crab and prawns...but you get it in better shape than local fish markets.
Next day Air is the Best, You get the best prices if you order from a Seattle Fish Broker
or Coop. Wheather King Crab, Wild Salmon, or Halibut I like Northwest and you can click there site for info on the PCB's contained in Wild Salmon vs. farmed. You can also go to Pacific
The reason Salmon is priced high is the Japanese
have proven the life saving value of Omega oils and have the money to buy the King

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