Anybody have a chance to use the new bid enhancement feature? I'm not quite sure I understand how it works. Any thoughts or opinions about it?
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Nibble at the last second ... automatically!
Hear Hear!quote:Originally posted by FearlessCrusader:
I still don't get it. If I understand correctly, Bid Enhancement means that your maximum bid isn't really your maximum bid; your real maximum bid is your "maximum bid" plue certain increments. What's the point? Why not just bid your maximum bid plus the increments to begin with?
Why do nibblers like to nibble? Why are there bidding wars? Why do so many bidders place multiple bids?quote:Why not just bid your maximum bid plus the increments to begin with?
quote:Whether they "should have" bid in a way that others would have found more suitable is not really important. What is important to us is to make it easy for people to win the items they want.
quote:Whether they "should have" bid in a way that others would have found more suitable is not really important. What is important to us is to make it easy for people to win the items they want.
Chatter, you need to read Cara’s post more carefully.quote:Originally posted by Chatter:
I was SHOCKEDto see that a $30 "max" would be upped to the $83 to win! Like him, I had understood three increments to mean three bid increments above my max. But apparently three increments REALLY means three increments above the current high bidder's max, going into the last few seconds? Wow! With that in mind, then there would seem to be no limit to what one might be obligated to spend, in case of a win. This is especially true when there is a nuclear bidder involved in the auction.
I summarized it for you Chatter incase you’re too busy.quote:Originally posted by Auction Sniper Cara:
Bid Enhancement places a second bid if your first bid was too low. The number of bid increments is based on your maximum bid, not on the current high bid.
. . .
Instead we base the Bid Enhancement on your max bid.
quote:Chatter, you need to read Cara’s post more carefully.
I must be smarter than the average poster.quote:Yes, I had to reread Cara's post several times.
quote:I must be smarter than the average poster.
I was wondering if that was going to go unchallenged.quote:Smarter?...questionable.
quote:I'm still confused on how this works, just noticed the availability of the feature today, although I am a longtime user of auction sniper.
If I understand correctly this should protect against those instances where one is outbid by small amounts often of a dollar or two because of ebay's bid increments..
The increments go by bid increments, not max bids and should therefore be in the $1 to $2.50 dollar range, correct?
"Any"? I think Cara has been very helpful explaining this feature. AND, she's taken a good deal of time and patience doing it.quote:Tough to get any performance specifics or examples around here
Long two hours.quote:auction ends in less than two hours.