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I'm sure I've missed it on your help pages, but although you explain how to set up a bid group etc. I can't see the term 'bid group' defined.

Two questions:

1) Is a 'bid group' a collection of my bids which hopefully is going to result in one successful bid? i.e. having got one the others are auto-cancelled?

2) If this is correct, how do I deal with a seller who has 5 identical items appearing at very close gaps (i.e. seconds) from each other. Can your bid group facility handle that? I only want one of the items, but they may be too close for your system to handle without risking the chance of buying more than one item.

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Answer to 1) is YES. You got it exactly right.

2) You will not win more than the number you want. (it can be more than one). AS places a bid on the first item. They must verify a loss before they will bid on the next. Bids can be missed for auctions ending very close together.

example: two auctions end 10 seconds apart, and your lead time is 7 seconds.

AS will bid on the first auction. They must wait till the end and then query eBay to check the status. Since your lead time is 7 seconds, that only gives AS 3 seconds to verify a loss before bidding on the second auction. That's cutting it very close, so you may get a 'Not in Time' on the second auction. Durring slow times it may work, but on Sunday evenings when response times are 20 seconds or more, AS will not have a chance to bid on the second. The best way to deal with this, (it still may not work) is to change your lead time on the second auction to something shorter. This will give AS more time to verify and bid.

In any case you should NEVER win more than the number you want.

Hope that helps.
Thanks, Puppy Raiser, that helps me a great deal.

The difference in end-times on these two items is only 6 secs, so that's risky, if not impossible. As only one bid has appeared in advance, on the first item, I might let that buyer go for that, and bid on the second item which isn't showing any advance bids yet. Bit messy though.
Well, I didn't get it using my way. Actually it's a whole string of Buy it Now items over the next 24 hours with very few bidders revealing themselves.

I have set up another Bid Group. The starting bids are £29-90 but what I don't understand now is that my (lying-in-wait) 2nd Snipe of £33-50 is flagged up as Bid Below Minimum by AS and the bid increment in this range is £1.

Any clues? fact 2 minutes later all my snipes have been flagged up as Bid Below Min. by AS - same figures as above.
Although I won the first item in my group, and all paid and sorted with seller, it doesn't appear in my AS wins...
Click on the 'Import My Wins' button? Also has the 2.0 beta version of My eBay made it to you yet? AS may not be able to handle that. Here in the states, they switch you back to the original and then import, but may not for eBay UK. (you are in the UK, right?)
do Woodles exist in your part of the world?
I'm sure they do, but I've not seen one. We would probably call them something else. Wink

Working dog groups are starting to cross Labs and Goldens. They look like labs but the hair is finer and softer. They train standard poodles for those with alergies, but I've not heard of a test cross yet. I work mostly with Labs, Goldens and Shepards. I know a bit of trivia for other breeds, but don't really know them.
Last edited by puppyraiser

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