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Reply to "Basic question about bid groups"

Although I won the first item in my group, and all paid and sorted with seller, it doesn't appear in my AS wins...
Click on the 'Import My Wins' button? Also has the 2.0 beta version of My eBay made it to you yet? AS may not be able to handle that. Here in the states, they switch you back to the original and then import, but may not for eBay UK. (you are in the UK, right?)
do Woodles exist in your part of the world?
I'm sure they do, but I've not seen one. We would probably call them something else. Wink

Working dog groups are starting to cross Labs and Goldens. They look like labs but the hair is finer and softer. They train standard poodles for those with alergies, but I've not heard of a test cross yet. I work mostly with Labs, Goldens and Shepards. I know a bit of trivia for other breeds, but don't really know them.
Last edited by puppyraiser