Oh, weather kind of dull. Did go thru an earthquake in California, but I wasn't living there. I was out for a visit. That sure did cure any desire to live there. Hope you don't mind if I abandon you for a bit?
Originally posted by rsmiller40:
eveyone doesn't like me here.
Just because someone comments about your posting, doesn't mean they are making a comment about you personally. Also, I haven't seen any complaints for a long time and you seem to be back to your original form.
Nope, I have to go also. C-ya
Originally posted by rsmiller40:
Now, RIck, I know you do not like to give any personal, but I left my weather question very open for you. It SAYS..in places you HAVE lived!
Mrs. M - you are funny. If you noticed I answered your question. It sometimes takes me a couple of minutes. I did see the "HAVE".
Lol, Rick, I notice a lot about you and your postings..Rick, the mystery person! But, that's ok. I like who think I know you are! 
As for the remark about not being liked, it was not a pointed statement, just general, about life anywhere, you know. You are who you are who you are and anything different just isn't you, so take it as it is, agree?

As for the remark about not being liked, it was not a pointed statement, just general, about life anywhere, you know. You are who you are who you are and anything different just isn't you, so take it as it is, agree?

One of the nicest places I have been in the US was in Roseburg, Oregon. It was many years ago. I went to visit an uncle and fell madly in love with the place! I didn't like California. Seemed like you planned your life around a traffic jam, but I think it is a place you either love or hate. I have been able to travel many places in the world, Rick, and for certain, the US is the GREATEST!..IMO! 

Originally posted by rsmiller40:
Rick, the mystery person!

Originally posted by rsmiller40:
You are who you are and anything different just isn't you, so take it as it is, agree?
Mornin' Mrs M, Rick, Bille, Squeaks and SJ 
Boy our list is getting long.
LOL I am only sposed to work 2 half days (except at the end of the month), I see Mrs M in the evenings when I have fed hubbie and Tyler put him to bed (Tyler that is
) I am lucky Mrs M stays up allllll nite.
Mrs M you asked how I met hubbie.....we met briefly when he was on holidays over here and we continued to talk on messenger and emails (he's another that stays up all nite) then we had one of those dreaded online/telephone relationships until he could get organised to come over again.
I will be online *most* of the day in Turbo Lister today - if Tyler lets me that is.
Oh Rick I have an *aussieism* for you to crack...... "Flaming Galah".

Boy our list is getting long.
Posted by Rick:
I was thinking maybe we could raise some money so that Billie and Lexie wouldn't have to work so much and we could keep them here longer. I seem to just miss them by a few minutes.
LOL I am only sposed to work 2 half days (except at the end of the month), I see Mrs M in the evenings when I have fed hubbie and Tyler put him to bed (Tyler that is

Mrs M you asked how I met hubbie.....we met briefly when he was on holidays over here and we continued to talk on messenger and emails (he's another that stays up all nite) then we had one of those dreaded online/telephone relationships until he could get organised to come over again.

I will be online *most* of the day in Turbo Lister today - if Tyler lets me that is.
Oh Rick I have an *aussieism* for you to crack...... "Flaming Galah".

I spent hours! last nite looking for a LMAO pic to no avail 
On the up side I found the greatest little site that has millions of the little blighters, you dont have to wait till they all open either

On the up side I found the greatest little site that has millions of the little blighters, you dont have to wait till they all open either

Flaming: Extra bad or extra good.

Aren't you the sharp one, Rick? LOL!
Ok, Lexie..what's the new site..fess up, girl.
Ok, Lexie..what's the new site..fess up, girl.

galah occasion: an event that requires formal dress.
Hi Mrs. M.
Hi Mrs. M.

Is that the same party I went to that was a GALA affair, Rick?
Btw, Rick, I love your sack head! 

I am impressed 

Thanks, Lexie.
Mrs. M,
Here's another possibility for "mystery person":
Mrs. M,
Here's another possibility for "mystery person":

I like the sack. 

Coz ya asked so nicely Mrs M...NOT!!! 
Rick are you the Sean Connery James Bond or the Peirce Brosnan??
What Sack?? What did I miss???

Rick are you the Sean Connery James Bond or the Peirce Brosnan??
What Sack?? What did I miss???
Originally posted by Bartelby:
Rick are you the Sean Connery James Bond or the Peirce Brosnan??
That's part of the mystery.

Sorry for such a small pix.
Originally posted by Bartelby:
What Sack??
Towards the top of this page.

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