Rick, Please help me...if I go into my profile and change my name in here to Mr.m, will I start over or will it just continue as is....I'm speaking of the username.
ebay is an amazing place. Think of all the "stuff" that was stored in attics that was of no value to their owners, and now they can sell it. It sure has created a lot of wealth. And all the part time sellers that supplement their income. And all the millions and millions of stories.
Between ebay and Amazon.com most everything is available.
Between ebay and Amazon.com most everything is available.
That is true, Rick. I generally sell new items that I have either imported or, of course, Bob has made.
Originally posted by rsmiller40:
if I go into my profile and change my name in here to Mr.m, will I start over or will it just continue as is
I'd counsel against that. 1st) With the number of posts you have, it might cause a drain on the forum. It may have to go out and change all your posts. 2nd) It could cause confusion, as very few people would know who you are. 3rd) I'm not sure if it would cause you to start over, but I don't think so.
I see you've changed your signature from rsmiller40 to Mrs.M. I like that. Also, I think you can leave a pix with your signature, but I've never seen it done.
What does Bob make?
OIC, well, I won't try that then! A pix? Gaddddsssdssssooookkkkk!!


It looks like they leave pixs in the signatures on infopop's forum. Also, Lexie might be able to help us in that area (I think she's the best computer person we have).
He was a plumbing contractor before he got alzheimer's. He doesn't remember people, food, many, many words, but the odd thing is , he can still reason out and do with his hands. Well, this was a natural for him, of course because he had always worked with this materal. I set him up a little shop and he sits in there for hours, making each one exact! He has sold probably 3-4 hundred of them! It is wonderful therapy and a great source of pride for him....as they realize what is happening to them, pride is very important.
Hmm, well, Yes she is, but I suspect you tye for first. 

Do you mean Bob make the bird showers?
Nope - Lexie is way ahead of me, and so are you.
Nope - Lexie is way ahead of me, and so are you.
Yes, he does. He originally designed the first one for Keko. Each one he does is perfect.
Rick, no way!!!!!! I can help build a unit, but really have never surfed and learned much about the net.
That is remarkable. Such a strange disease.
Yes, it is. Let me try to explain. Your brain, being compared to an auditorium with thousands of lights...it depends which bulbs burn out first..and it happens EVERYDAY! 

Rick, there are all kinds of things that happen to people, you know. I think we all feel what happens to us or close to us is the worst, but believe me, there are worse things. We have lived our lives and really had a full good life..so many young, like you, could miss so much.
You're right Mrs. M. It's hard not to get caught up in the trivial day to day issues instead of the really important things.
Yes, you are on the right track, Rick!... I have to go get some things mailed out this morning, so I'll catch you in a little while..keep things going!
..Just thought this was cute!

You got it, Mrs. M.
In case Lexie pops in!
And, Rick, if you get hungry while I am out!

And, Rick, if you get hungry while I am out!

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