Hi Man of Steele-
I understand how you feel. There's a part of me that feels that way too. But I still tell my friends about AS. The first time I lost an auction I REALLY, REALLY wanted on eBay to a sniper (before I knew about AS) I was pretty upset. For a while it even took some of the fun out eBay for me. It wasn't long after that I discovered AS, and I've been having a ball ever since!
And guess what -- 2 nights ago, I sniped an auction out from under the very person who sniped me on that auction I got so upset about!! We both sniped, but my snipe was higher than his/her snipe.

I haven't quit grinning since! If I had placed my bid on eBay, the other person would have known ahead of time I was interested and might have been able to gauge how much I was willing to bid.