[QUOTE]Originally posted by star_trkr:
Hi Man of Steele-
I understand how you feel. There's a part of me that feels that way too. But I still tell my friends about AS. The first time I lost an auction I REALLY, REALLY wanted on eBay to a sniper (before I knew about AS) I was pretty upset.
I know exactly how you feel, the thrill of the kill (as it were) i LOVE THIS PROGRAM) i call it bidding in stealth mode ( that's what i call it) they don't even know your interested in it and then BOOOOM! you drop the bomb on them LOL! i was getting fed up with losing to others and now i only lose if i want to, now i never get sucked into a bidding war and end up paying more that i wanted to. This program pays for itself. It makes it fun to bid!