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Auction Sniper's "You've Got Wins!" feature will instantly notify you, as soon as you sign in, if you have won any auctions since your last visit.

...but now for a slightly more unique feature... Cool

In addition to a text message, you may also choose to hear a 'Sound Alert.' You can select one of our sounds or choose to add your own. To turn on this feature, sign in and click the "Modify Account" link. Then scroll down until you see:

Click the check box, choose your sound, and you're all set.

Since this is very new, we don't yet have our trademark "You've got wins!" sound alert recorded. If anyone is willing to record this (or any other unique alerts) and send them our way, we'll credit your account with free snipes if we choose to use them.

Please post your questions, comments, or suggestions in the 'Comments and Suggestion' forum.

Adam R.
Auction Sniper Support

[This message was edited by Sniper Adam R. on January 08, 2002 at 05:51 PM.]

[This message was edited by Sniper Adam R. on January 10, 2002 at 11:23 PM.]
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