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Recently I've noticed that my session expires in AS when I leave it open and then come back to it later.

Previously, it did not do this.

I leave a browser window open on the "add snipe" page while browsing around ebay in another window looking for things to bid on. I then copy and paste the auction number into the AS window. If I leave the AS window open for a long time and try adding a snipe, I get a message telling me my AS session has expired and I must log in to AS again before I can add the snipe. This just started happening recently.

What is the timeout period? How long does it take for an idle session to expire?

If AS programmers believes that having a timeout policy is the best way to behave, consider it again. What problem is it solving? Security from someone coming up to my session and entering a snipe without my knowing?

I control security to my session myself. I don't want AS to enforce a session timeout policy to give me security.

If this is seen as a valuable service by AS, could it be set as a preference by user?
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Originally posted by bye-stuff:
Recently I've noticed that my session expires in AS when I leave it open and then come back to it later.

Previously, it did not do this.

I leave a browser window open on the "add snipe" page while browsing around ebay in another window looking for things to bid on. I then copy and paste the auction number into the AS window. If I leave the AS window open for a long time and try adding a snipe, I get a message telling me my AS session has expired and I must log in to AS again before I can add the snipe. This just started happening recently.

Many sites (eBay for one) use cookie expiration.

What is the timeout period? How long does it take for an idle session to expire?

You probably need to ask AS that. Smile

If AS programmers believes that having a timeout policy is the best way to behave, consider it again. What problem is it solving? Security from someone coming up to my session and entering a snipe without my knowing?
Yes - you have answered your question.

I control security to my session myself.

The software does not know that, though! Users may have dozens of people using their PCs and wreaking havoc.

If this is seen as a valuable service by AS, could it be set as a preference by user?

Probably; if a few 1000s of users requested this, they could spend a day modifying and testing the code. Don't hold your breath, though. Wink

For what it’s worth, I’ve had my My Snipes page up and inactive for almost 3 hours and it hasn’t expired, and I was able to add a snipe. At the risk of suggesting the obvious (I hate when the appliance guy asks if it’s plugged in), did you check “Remember me” on the sign-in? I can’t remember (but that’s always iffy) anyone on the forum mentioning anything about a “timeout period”, BUT people have commented on squirrelly things happening if they don’t do a Remember-me.

If nothing else comes up, you might want to file a support request.

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