The top bidder is the winner (I no longer hate that word

The second highest bidder gets nothing, other than he still has his money. He’s a “loser”. He might doubt himself because he thinks that if he had bided just a little more, maybe he would have won (how close?). Maybe he’s mad at himself for not using AS. But without his bid (other than a BIN or a reserve auction), the item wouldn’t have sold for as much as it did.
Sure, there are other bidders, but the top 2 bidders decide the price.
So, why doesn’t the second highest bidder get something? They should be encouraged. They should get something for making the top bidder spend more than the third highest bidder would have.
If I were a seller I would find some way to reward, thereby, encourage second highest bidders. Maybe x% discount on the next auction of mine they win. Maybe reduced shipping.