...strategy worked for me again!
Before I get into that, I want to thank R2 for posting the interesting e-mail correspondance with the seller that inspired this topic. R2 pro'lly used that nasty language to the guy that all snipers apparently use!

OK, while some posters on here believe sniping only, all the time, I've maintained that there are times when snipes may not be necessary. Bidding on one of the anti-sniper seller's auctions would be one that comes to mind! (Who wants to bet his being featured here drove more views to his auctions than he's enjoyed in a long time!

) Here's a situation that just worked out for me.
The widget I was interested in is non-collectable, nothing special. There are only 3 - 5 sellers of the item on eBay ALL the time. Maybe 12 - 18 listings at any one time. The seller that offered the item at the lowest price: $19.95 opening bid, no reserve, $24.95 BIN. I want to pay the opening bid -- no more. I place the opening bid at $19.95 2 days before the end of the auction, nothing held in proxy. Auction ends, I'm outbid by 2 bidders, winning bid = $28!

Curious, as the same hi-volume seller had an identical item listed in 2 other auctions with the same $19.95 opening bid & $24.95 BIN!
Thinking maybe Chatter was right, I set up a bid group for the item and placed a couple snipes for the remaining items listings at the OPENING BID. Obviously, the only way the snipes could be successfully placed would be if there were NO bidders when my snipes were placed. But in the back of my mind, I was hoping of a specific development, and it arrived in my e-mailbox this morning! A second chance offer from the seller at MY opening bid price! You betcha I'll take it! And at my price, too!

Granted, this strategy will not always work and then only on certain types of items (whose descriptions typically include the phrase "As Seen on TV!"

). Sniping isn't the end-all and be-all, WINNING at your desired price IS!

With that in mind, sniping is an important and well-used strategy in my eBay bidding, but it's not the ONLY strategy I use.
I guess if I had to name it, the bid strategy I used above would be "The 2nd-Chance Gambit".

LOL! Sounds like a chess move!
