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it does however makes you an object of deserved contempt

Sorry Eunice, but that's just not logical!

Condemn "Good O'l R2" for a variety of things:

Membership of the Liberal Democrats
Living in sin in a slum tenement at Uckfield
Owning a Wartburg, a Satellite Dish & at a pair of striped winceyette pyjamas

But because he has an average of 2.56 posts?

That's just plain silly!

Besides which if you set off on a campaign, you'd set my dementia off again and heaven knows where that will lead! (Rick will advise)

I came to the party late! I really doubt I can add much more to the discussion that hasn't already been said.

Oddity! -- there has been no listing reference to get real data.
Oddity! -- (well, maybe not!) that ebay support's only contribution to this discussion is to confuse! I tend to think the supposed "fact" that the actual high bid was $1326 should be thrown out. I think the hi bid WAS $1305, and AS & ebay worked exactly like they're supposed to.

From the data provided:
1. 01:28:49......Bidr1......$1250.00.....$1250.00(?)........Bidr1
2. 14:47:42......Bidr2......$1301.02.....$1275.00...........Bidr2
3. 14:47:43......Bidr3......$1305.00.....$1305.00...........Bidr3

"Winning Bid" and "Winning Bidder" is what would be displayed on the auction page if one were to access it at those times. It should be noted that at NO TIME was the bid increment rule violated in the "Winning Bid" column. IMPORTANT NOTE: The bid increment rule DOES NOT APPLY to "Max.Bid" column!

Oddity! -- Panther does not seem to understand or believe that the auction data in NO WAY supports him NOT LOSING this auction (too many negatives?).

Oddity!!! -- Newbie Eunice's R2 vendetta!
Originally posted by region2:
So, straight away we can assume that:
1. you've got religion
2. you're a control freak
3. you're immature
Ergo, you don't feature highly on my list or role models. If posting here keeps you out of the teen chat-rooms then flame away!

makes little sense, 'assuming' a great deal about an assumed persona. you silly fool. yet i'll relish the fact you will spend many more minutes responding to phony me. your persona here is really you, which is an unfair advantage i've got, i will make the most of it

you try to come across as sharp-witted and occasionally an intellectual, but i sense you've got more of a trade school background than a fuller education.... this forum your way of venting your frustrations with your unsatisfactory achievements & less than fulfilling life perhaps

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