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- more than half dreams I understand have to do with falling. Like off a cliff, down a hole, crevasse and are repeated dreams. Mine was of falling into the well on the farm - it was over when I rolled out of bed. My mothers was she fell off her Pony and she ended up on the floor. My Aunt - Mom's sister says she got caught in the washing machine and was thrashed all night back and forth b ack and forth. I also had a dream I joined the circus and sold Cottom Candy all night - Nobody wanted it.
Mom used to say eat your cereal and I would say sorry I'm full of cotton candy.
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I think my main dream was of growing up to be big enough to Whip my older brothers Butt. I finally grew bigger than him - tied him to the clothes line pole with rope and piled trash around him - As my Mom drove home into the driveway I set fire to him. It was great dream. Then Puberty came and OMG what a Hot Time I really had in Dreams.
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...special in my dreams. I've had all the typical dreams -- flying, falling, walking around naked in public, etc.

The dreams that bug me are the ones that seem REALISTIC. Like if there is something that I need to do or a project I need to work on, I might end up dreaming about doing it. Then I wake up and don't know whether it needs done or if I've already done it! Confused

Or how about those dreams that seem to last all night about doing something strenuous, and no matter how long you sleep, you're destined to wake up tired! Roll Eyes

My hubby says I could write a huge book on weird dreams. I have recurring dreams of old houses. I walk thru them and see every item in each room. Then I get into the attic,usually thru a tiny hole that makes me uncomfortable because I'm claustrophobic. Then in the attic is a treasure of antique everything. Toys, furniture, linnens. What is the most weird is I dream of the same house alot. As if I'd lived there at some time.
Another thing I dream of over and over are huge sink holes. They are always threatening to suck in the house. I'm scared of sink holes!! And leaking roofs. Roofs so bad they are more like strainers! Water everywhere! And we are trying to fix it, but can't afford to pay someone to do it. And one time a few years ago I dreamt that the roof finally caved in. I didn't dream about leaking roofs for years after that. But now I have again. I never dream about people chasing me. Sometimes I dream I'm chasing someone else!! Like some hot chick after my hubby!! Or him for messin around. Eek Hmmm, I think I have issues! Ever since my youngest went to Iraq I've dreamt of him as a young boy. All my kids are about 15 years younger. Maybe I'm wishing it was back then when I had some control over their lives.....and mine!! All my dreams are very detailed and in vivid color. Oh there are lots more but I'd just as soon let them go heh Confused

The best things in life are furry....and flowers!
OMG! You guys really do a lot of dreaming. I don't think I do much anymore. It must have to do with being older and having a very light sleep pattern. The most recent dream that really spooked me was I was driving over a cliff in a car and the next thing I knew I was being swept upward. I thought that I was dead and going to Heaven. The next thing I knew, I was standing in a village and listening to people complain. I was thinking it shouldn't be like this. The I saw God in a distance and I could hear in my mind that I needed to stop talking about what I should or shoud not do and get my act together if I wanted to be in Heaven! Then I woke up! It really, really shook me!

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