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I just saw a post where someone claimed, sniping is cheating. I'm sure everyone has their opinion on this, but, here is mine.
E-Bay is an auction. Like any auction, the opportunity exists to bid at the beginning of the auction, or the end. When the auctioneer says going, going, ..... you have a chance to bid at whatever price you like.
I use auction sniper for two reasons.
1. It is convienent. I don't have to remember to come and bid on an item.
2. It is the exact price I am willing to pay.
Now, if someone else wanted it for the price I was willing to pay, then they should have bid at that price.

Now, if you are a seller who doesn't like auction sniping, then write a plug'in to randomly close your auctions 1 to two minutes early. But, of course, you will be losing money from potential last second bidders. You choose.
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Personally, I feel it's fine to bid at any time you desire when it comes to an auction. Sometimes I bid the second I see the item...other times I'll use AS or snipe manually. It depends on a lot of factors, really. I'll normally put in as much as I'm willing to pay once I see an item I really want, or I'll use AS. I don't like to snipe manually at the last minute, I usually do all I can to avoid that kind of situation...since I might slip up, or my connection will be slow, etc. It's not cheating to bid, what are auctions for? It doesn't matter when someone bids, although some people do feel cheated when they put a bid in for something, the auction goes on for a full week with no other bidders, then at the final moment someone shows up and outbids them. It's a disappointment for anyone, I've been there myself. But, even I must admit it's not cheating. That, and I've done the last-minute-bidding thing myself, so I can't go and say it's a bad thing, I'd only be a hypocrite. ^^; Just my two cents on the subject.

Unbelievable. Someone who would call sniping 'cheating' is probably jealous, frustrated, and self-righteous. That may sound harsh but think about it. They are probably frustrated because if they had known a higher bid would come in after their's, then they would have bid higher to begin with. Look at the bidding history of auctions. Oft times the high bidder will bounce back and forth between two or three people. They only want to bid just barely enough to go over and be the current high bidder. When a sniper comes in, we don't give them a chance to come back and go pennies over.

So in their mind our bidding wasn't 'fair'. They didn't get a chance to bid again. This is where self-righteous comes in. If they bid early so should every one else. Every one should bid the same way - their way. And possibly they are also jealous, because if they knew how to snipe, then maybe they would.

I love sniping. More than once I've enjoyed an evil chuckle at taking something away from someone at the last moment - even those who bid manually within the last minute or two. If I really want to win something, I first determine how much I really want to spend, and ask myself how would I feel if I lost by 50 cents or a buck, and I then go higher. "GO BIG OR GO HOME," he roared, "LOSER."

I think my best advice is "Know thine enemy." I always look at the bid history of a currently running auction. I then click on the feedback number of the high bidders. This gives me a list of the auctions they have already won. I then look at the bidding history of every item still accessable. More often than not this will tell me tons about the type of eBayer this person is. I learn if they bid early and no gets over them later; or if they frequently bid late and try to win at the last minute; or if they bid lots, having the high bid, losing it, and then getting it back again by pennies.

I have a number of auctions of my own, ending this holiday Monday, (something else I've learned - the best times to end an auction. But as a buyer - I'll go for the item that ends Tuesday at noon, not the same thing ending Sunday after dinner!!) (Plus + Don't sell hockey cards if it's not winter! Fool. I'll certainly buy hockey cards in the summer, but I won't sell. I got a Guy LaFleur rookie card, book value $150 US, for less than $30 Canadian including shipping. The seller had to mention I got the card for way less than it's value, and I didn't have the hardness of heart to mention, Idiot. We're having a heat wave and a drought, and you want to sell hockey cards..........)

Anyways.....I have ten auctions ending this Monday. Five of them have bids already, but would I like to see some sniping? Let me think.......Duh....Yeah!

But's the reason I actually logged in there not some way of promoting Auction Sniper on my auctions? Are we allowed to include a link that will tell our buyers what we already know? Or does eBay forbid it? I've jumped around the various pages here and can't find what I thought I once saw, but didn't pay attention to, because then I was only buying.
Found my answer! I should be sleeping.......

FAQ #57 I think it was. Putting a link in an auction is no longer recommended since eBay has actually cancelled some auctions for having this link.

Now how does that adding a tag line to an email work? Is it simply cut and paste? Each time? Every time? Over and over, and over, and over..........................?
I've done a lot of thinking about this since I have done a lot of selling and buying on Ebay recently. The main benefit to me of using Auction Sniper is that I can change my mind about a bid I'm going to place up until right before the auction ends. Suppose a less expensive, better or more desireable version of what I'm bidding on comes up, maybe with a Buy It Now option. If I've got the winning bid on something else, I've got to wait until I'm outbid before I can do something about the new item. In that amount of time maybe someone else will meet the reserve and cancel the BIN option. Either way, with Auction Sniper I've got all the options but if I had placed a bid on the item when I first saw it I'd have almost no leeway to do anything.

I had a large expensive item to sell (an older piece of furniture worth $750-$1000. I waited until another one was listed and then I listed mine (better condition/lower reserve). i got a lot of bids and a good price. The previously listed item is now on it's fourth listing. After I listed mine, ANOTHER one showed up, even less expensive. I told my high bidder at the time that I would cancel his bid for him if he wanted me to, so that he could bid on the less expensive one (years of retail selling taught me that you want to try to kill the deal so you know if it's going to have any problems before it even leaves your don't want a buyer to think he could have gotten a better deal across town...just causes probs down the road.) This high bidder ended up buying from me and he said part of the reason was that I offered to let him out of his bid. He's got the item now and I got a + feedback from him. The point of this is that I feel like he doesn't quite understand how Ebay works, because if he did he wouldn't have placed that bid so early. Maybe people think that by holding a winning bid early in the auction they have some kind of claim on the item. I personally let Auction Sniper do all my bidding, 10 seconds before the end. I've never had a seller get mad at me for bidding this fact I have gotten good feedback (when they actually give you feedback...ARRRRGH!) from all the sellers I have bought from because I use Paypal to pay within minutes. So if a bidder were to take me to task for winning an item they had bid on I would just tell them that they had ample opportunity to place a higher why didn't they?

Originally posted by Kafussel:
Found my answer! I should be sleeping.......

FAQ #57 I think it was. Putting a link in an auction is no longer recommended since eBay has actually cancelled some auctions for having this link.

Now how does that adding a tag line to an email work? Is it simply cut and paste? Each time? Every time? Over and over, and over, and over..........................?

Not mine they aint!! I just bought again last night (Thanks all you at AS, yet again a superb effort!!)I list all my auctions with the AS logo and that's how I fund all my snipes from, I am up to 15 now and have never paid a penny piece. Mind now I've said that I bet I get a letter from you know who? Big Grin Big Grin
All that is being kept out of my auctions at presnt is a "NOCHEX" banner?!! I have yet to find out the reason why?? Never know E-bay may just let me know?! But I'm not holding my breath!!
As for adding to an e-mail, if you use O/E it's easy. Just make your own siganture e-mail and use the required as you sig!!

Good luck!!


We are here for a GOOD time not a long time!!
Kafussel--enemy? Confused Wink I've heard people say they enjoy getting a widget away from someone else at the last minute, but have never felt that way myself. I snipe with my max and if I get it, great, if not, it wasn't meant to be. No hard feelings. It's a long way to a decent-sized town, so I use AS to snipe things that would be difficult to buy otherwise.
The people who complain about snipers being "cheaters" remind me of the people in school who didn't study and complained that the people who did received better grades. My philosophy then--and now--is to let them gripe. Some people prefer complaining to changing their behavior. But then, that's just my opinion. Have a nice day!
Last night there were three auctions I was watching, all from the same seller. I had my snipe on two of the three. However, I chose to be a bit foolish and place a bid in earlier than I should for two of them and lost. I should simply have waited til the end, and gone to modify my snipes and make them slightly more. =( So I discovered that sniping actually IS a lot better than putting in bids in the last half hour or so. I think the best way to win is snipe at last few seconds, or put in a large bid amount from the start to discourage other bidders. It's all up to the person bidding, everyone has their strategy. But as I said before, mine does tend to vary. But thanks to AS, I did win the last of the three auctions. I simply put in a higher snipe for it, went to bed, and woke up to check my mail and find out I won! =) And whether fellow bidders feel I cheated them is up to them, but personally, I still feel it's not cheating, just playing the game.

Christine - Know thine enemy - Didn't mean that to sound as harsh as it may have sounded. I'm a student (sounds better than saying a fan which could lead to another misunderstanding) of WW2. The German General Rommel wrote a book on tank warfare. The American General Patton read that book and gave Rommel's army a severe butt-kicking in North Africa. He "knew the book" on his opponent. How he thinks and why he did things the way he did. Sports teams will study video tape to learn "the book" on the other team's quarterback or goalie.

In an auction, any other bidder is an opponent, and "knowledge is power." To know how he thinks and acts, can give you a winning edge.

Having said that.........this is eBay. DON'T OVERPAY......if you wait long enough, a similiar item will be listed by someone else...........

He said he raised 8 or so children. He once talked about a son visiting him. He also talked about having a lady that he was dating. I can't believe he's had some accident and no one not knowing about it.

People come and go in a forum. Some stay longer. No guarantees. Most everyone is anonymous, and since this is a voluntary activity, one can never tell what will happen. It's just the nature of a forum.

I'm sure he appreciates that he's missed.
I tried, but when I hit the control and C keys nothing happens. Frown
And how do you post all those other neat pictures of dogs and alligators and such? I bought a scanner at a yard sale and am told it works great, but it just sits on my desk looking intimidating 'cause I don't know how to work it. Frown Thanks.
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Originally posted by fordfalcons:
And how do you post all those other neat pictures of dogs and alligators and such?

Here's a couple of sites to get you started:

Mrs. M has more. Search internet for "clip art" and "animation". Also, most any picture or graphic on a internet site can be copied. It you get an after you post the image, you either have the wrong url, or the site won't let you use the picture/image, or the site is down.
Last edited {1}
fordfalcon, before you can post any pixs, you need a site that stores them online. Many of us use You can use it limited for free. You scan your pix and put them in a picture file on your computer. Then, upload to the site, then you will copy to the clipboard and paste to this these posts by first clicking the image below and then right clicking on the box it brings up and choosing paste and then click the ok.. I am not good at explaining ,but if you can maybe ask LEXIE,she is better at it. Smile

Mrs. M
I'm new to the forum, but very experienced on eBay and AS. I cannot figure out why anyone would bid early. That just drives up the final cost 99% of the time. The only winners there are the Seller and eBay. I use AS only and have been very successful to date. Only once (tonight) was my bid not placed, due to timing issues I assume. It kills me to see rookie bidders bidding up prices with days left on the auctions !QUOTE]Originally posted by samuraiblossom:
Personally, I feel it's fine to bid at any time you desire when it comes to an auction. Sometimes I bid the second I see the item...other times I'll use AS or snipe manually. It depends on a lot of factors, really. I'll normally put in as much as I'm willing to pay once I see an item I really want, or I'll use AS. I don't like to snipe manually at the last minute, I usually do all I can to avoid that kind of situation...since I might slip up, or my connection will be slow, etc. It's not cheating to bid, what are auctions for? It doesn't matter when someone bids, although some people do feel cheated when they put a bid in for something, the auction goes on for a full week with no other bidders, then at the final moment someone shows up and outbids them. It's a disappointment for anyone, I've been there myself. But, even I must admit it's not cheating. That, and I've done the last-minute-bidding thing myself, so I can't go and say it's a bad thing, I'd only be a hypocrite. ^^; Just my two cents on the subject.

What a rotten thing to do to a dog! Razz

Here are some pictures of my 1967 Falcon that were taken at a car show about 5 years ago. A few years ago I took it in for an oil change and the guys at the garage let it fall backward off the rack. They had to put a different door on it. Frown The engine was just rebuilt this summer.
I'm also restoring the first car I ever owned, a 1966 Falcon sports coupe.

Anyone ever been to the 'Dream Cruse' in Detroit? It's this weekend and a very big deal.

Classic and custom cars and trucks cruse a 10 mile stretch of Woodward Ave all weekend. You don't have to walk around. Just find a spot, sit, and let the show drive by.

Average speed on Woodward is normally about 45 mph. This weekend it's slower than walking speed because of all the traffic.
I learned to drive in a car like yours, Falcon Gal. Then my father bought a later model "Fairmont".

Ultimate expression of that era has to be the Australian Falcon GTHO. Great cult car in this country and they fetch incredible prices. Somewhat unnerving to drive in this modern era however, brakes and handling nowhere near matched the grunt.

You're right about the handling, Gardengnome. Those older cars don't handle as easily as the newer models and when they go through water they tend to lose their brakes until they dry out. I like the cars from the 1960's because the different models look like different models. Today's cars look pretty much the same and don't seem to be nearly as much fun to drive.
I still love the cars of the late sixties/early seventies, the look, the sound...everything.

"Proper" cars have rear-wheel drive, north-south engines, metal bumpers and preferably, carburettors and a full chassis.

ABS, SRS, traction control, engine management systems, cruise control, all-wheel drive etc, etc, etc, are for wooses.

As the bumper sticker says, "A REAL CAR IS A STEEL CAR!"


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