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Reply to "Sniping is Cheatin????"

Originally posted by Kafussel:
Found my answer! I should be sleeping.......

FAQ #57 I think it was. Putting a link in an auction is no longer recommended since eBay has actually cancelled some auctions for having this link.

Now how does that adding a tag line to an email work? Is it simply cut and paste? Each time? Every time? Over and over, and over, and over..........................?

Not mine they aint!! I just bought again last night (Thanks all you at AS, yet again a superb effort!!)I list all my auctions with the AS logo and that's how I fund all my snipes from, I am up to 15 now and have never paid a penny piece. Mind now I've said that I bet I get a letter from you know who? Big Grin Big Grin
All that is being kept out of my auctions at presnt is a "NOCHEX" banner?!! I have yet to find out the reason why?? Never know E-bay may just let me know?! But I'm not holding my breath!!
As for adding to an e-mail, if you use O/E it's easy. Just make your own siganture e-mail and use the required as you sig!!

Good luck!!


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