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I set up a bid group of 7 items wanting to buy up to 2 of them. My bids were higher than any other in 6/7 cases. But not a single one was winning !!! Can you please explain me what happened ? The message (in french) says: "Vous n'avez pas remporté" which is not explained in the list of message status...
I'm really angry because it was a 2100 € bid and a unique occasion.

I want clear explanations now !

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I got an answer from the support: they said that my auctions needed to end at least with 30s (better 1-1.5 min) between each other for the process to work.They'd better tell it *before* I placed my bids ! Mad

From the Auction Sniper's FAQ on bid snipes:

Can I add two or more bids with the same auction ending time to a bid group?

Sorry, no. It is impossible for us to detect to see if you have won a snipe, and then cancel the rest of the bids, if they end at the same time. You should allow at least 30 seconds between bid group items to give us enough time to determine if you've won the first item. We don’t actually prevent you from ignoring this recommendation, but what will happen is that if a bid group snipe hasn’t heard from the previous snipe in the bid group, it won’t fire, to ensure you don’t win more than you specified. What that means in practice is that a second, third, or later bid group snipe on auction end times too close together won’t fire, even if you might have won with a high bid. And the more time you can get between auction end times the better your chances this won’t happen to you.

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