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A few weeks back, I believe that I saw a request by for ideas to get more users. I couldn't find the request once I'd come up with something. Is it possible that some people might be turned off by the term "sniper", in any sense? It may conjure up images of Sirhan,Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the D.C. Snipers of 2003(?). Perhaps a name change should be considered?
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Originally posted by MrRoundel:
A few weeks back, I believe that I saw a request by for ideas to get more users. I couldn't find the request once I'd come up with something. Is it possible that some people might be turned off by the term "sniper", in any sense? It may conjure up images of Sirhan,Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the D.C. Snipers of 2003(?). Perhaps a name change should be considered?

I hope not! The Canadian army snipers have done great work in Afganistan knocking out terrorists from over a kilometer away with the Barrat 0.5 inch sniper rifle. More power to them! The nasty people you cite are not in the same league and, IIRC, Sirhan used a pistol so is not a sniper.
I suspect many of us prefer the label "snipers" because we would like to be considered outlaws, predators, bad boys, rebels, etc. (when in fact we are mostly a bunch of people who spend too much time buying stuff online). But here are my first entries in the unofficial contest to find a "kinder and gentler" name for AuctionSniper:





Originally posted by Engineer:
The nasty people you cite are not in the same league and, IIRC, Sirhan used a pistol so is not a sniper.

Actually, it doesn't matter- one must only shoot an exposed individual from a concealed vantage point to be considered a sniper, regardless of weapon. I agree though- the name AuctionSniper only conjures up good things for me. Maybe it's a guy thing.
Originally posted by Teester:
I suspect many of us prefer the label "snipers" because we would like to be considered outlaws, predators, bad boys, rebels, etc. (when in fact we are mostly a bunch of people who spend too much time buying stuff online). But here are my first entries in the unofficial contest to find a "kinder and gentler" name for AuctionSniper:

Just spotted this one!

AuctionThingy - for the indecisive

AuctionPuppy - wees and poos on your keyboard

AuctionKitty - makes a lot of money for someone!

AuctionNiceComfyPillow - hmmm.....

AuctionSnipingIsOkayReallyItIs - that's the one!

PS - shooting anyone for any reason is not something for anyone to be proud of.
"Auction Lackey" sounds appropriate to me. Delegate some responsibility to Lackey, and if you're lucky, he'll get the job done, (well, done by some definition... perhaps his lazy simplification of what you asked him to do, but certainly not what you had in mind.) More likely than not, Lackey will screw up and cost you money in the process of discharging the task he's given. Fire Lackey and do it yourself.
My reply relates not only to this post, but this one as well:

Another posting by one whose ability to voice opinions reasonably appears to have been lost at birth!

a. It is only a computer programme.
b. It is a very low cost computer programme
c. The constraints on Sunday bidding are well known, but you were unable/unwilling to read them
d. I don't think the owners of AS are going to lose any sleep over your future non patronage

On balance 99% of the bids go through on time & effectively, so most users are simply not bothered to get excited about the loss/extra payment on one item.

Suggest you enroll on a "stress management course" - it may improve your temper, language and lifespan. You may even finally make a few friends!

Originally posted by emaxon:
"Auction Lackey" sounds appropriate to me. Delegate some responsibility to Lackey, and if you're lucky, he'll get the job done, (well, done by some definition... perhaps his lazy simplification of what you asked him to do, but certainly not what you had in mind.) More likely than not, Lackey will screw up and cost you money in the process of discharging the task he's given. Fire Lackey and do it yourself.
So bitter s/he had to post about it twice... You're right Cam, one works within the constraints of the tools available. eg. a hammer is good but tiring on the wrist, a nail gun is better but expensive! (nice simile!)...
This person has called the regular users 'suckers' in the other post so he's not exactly endeared himself to me (although it would appear he likes Rick and his Avatar so they both have one friend each - just kidding Rick!!!)

True enough, but tenuous was at least something.

Guess I’ll never understand what causes a thread to be deleted. I thought I was onto some universal principle when Bill posted that the forum’s purpose was for users to help other users, and should someone want official information they should contact support, but then that thread got deleted. Then, there was a thread titled, “I WON AUCTION BY SNIPE I DID NOT PLACE!!!” in the Auction Sniper Support forum, and I think amphritite was the OP, but that thread was also sent to the landfill.

Not complaining, just would like to know from The Deleter(s) which posts/threads are the kind that will tend to be deleted. It’s not so bad when the support staff edits someone’s post, as the little edited message gets appended and usually an explanation is provided. But when a thread disappears, it’s like it fell into a black hole while no one was watching.
That’s what puzzles me. I don’t see any need for revenue protection nor do I see any malicious posting occurring. Here are a couple of example posts:
Do let us know the outcome...


...and there's not an 8 year old child using your computer when you're not looking?


Unless AS has starting hiring 8-year-olds, I wouldn’t consider those as malicious posts, so I don’t understand why those two posts, and the rest of the thread, were deleted.

Now, there was the following in a signature:
"Not everyone who wanders is lost" (Tolkien)
But, I fail to see any commercial concern in that quote, unless AS is affiliated with a map publishing company. And, I’m unaware of Auctiva having any investments in GPS.

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