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Originally posted by region2:
'Mrs R2' is a Miss and I'm certain that she'd leave the room if she found her self in such a 'predicament'...
R2 - should this, or any Miss R2, become a Mrs. R2, AND the longer she’s stays Mrs. R2, AND you don’t find a way to circumvent the aging process, either the two of you won’t be spending much time in the same room or she’ll not consider it a ‘predicament’.

Remember, love is never having to leave the room before farting.

As a kind of funny side note: My car wouldn’t start this morning. So, I went over to Roger, my neighbor. In previous conversations he has told me that he has a lot of experience fixing cars. So, I naturally thought he could give me some advice. When I told him my car wouldn’t start, he said, “That is odd. I have started my car several times in the last few days without any problems.” I’m sure that was just a coincidence, but just in case it wasn’t: “Hey, Roger, have you been reading this thread?”

Originally posted by Rick:
slightly muffled, slightly scented fart
My apologies, R2, I should have posted, “greatly muffled”. That would explain the use of 'predicament' (I've already looked up the definition for 'predicament').
Originally posted by Camera:
And you a good Catholic boy!
Wasn’t that the cause of all, or most of, the wars between England and all the other European countries, in that England wasn’t Catholic? (Mary Queen of Scots, Ireland, Spain, France, et al). Especially confusing since it’s Sir R2 (maybe it’s Duke R2 or Lord R2).

Originally posted by airplanenut:
I'm here
Just checking, Jeremy, to see if you were still around.

Originally posted by Camera:
I'm afraid you'll have to excuse Rick ....... you see .................. he's American!
Sad, but true (only by birth). Don’t forget, Paul, that Churchill was half-Yank (I think Mummy Churchill was from Wyoming). Geography is everything.
Old post:
As someone who really has his own listing in Debretts Peerage and Baronetage I've read this thread with amusement (although my bladder is still under control)...

R2 (Not my real name so don't waste your time looking it up!)
Isn’t a peer or a baron considered “titled”? I’m not fighting it, as I’d rather not have to kneel all the time.

I did check the following and didn’t see a Baron R2:
Two things:

- Purely anecdotal - It seems AS's auto-lead-time-adjusting feature adversely affects mainly users who set lead times to the little numbers, like 7 seconds or less. I set my leads in the low to mid teens and NEVER recall having my snipe times adjusted to the extremes reported by by the <5 second snipers.

- One thread of this topic reminds me of the story of the little old lady that went to her doctor for an embarrassing problem. "I have 'silent gas'," she explained to her doctor. "I can be at church, at the grocery store, at the movie theater, anywhere! -- and I can't help myself -- I just have to pass gas! I'm just so thankful it's always 'silent'! Why, just while I've been explaining this problem to you, I have had 3 episodes and I bet you didn't even realize it!" "First things first, my dear," the doctor replied. "The first thing we need to do is to check your hearing!" Eek Big Grin
Originally posted by Jabbergah:
It seems AS's auto-lead-time-adjusting feature adversely affects mainly users who set lead times to the little numbers, like 7 seconds or less. I set my leads in the low to mid teens and NEVER recall having my snipe times adjusted to the extremes reported by by the <5 second snipers.
That’s a good point, and looking over many (not ALL) of the threads about early snipes, they WERE from users that specified the lower lead times.

Then again, there’s a possibility that someone that would specify a 15-second lead time wouldn’t be upset, or concerned, about an additional 10 or 15 seconds, whereas someone that specified 3 seconds might be more motivated to start a thread about the extra 10 or 15 seconds. And, for the sniper that specified 15 seconds, a 15-second snipe would be spot on, yet for the sniper that specified 3 seconds, a 15-second snipe could be “unnerving”. The user’s expectations might have some, or a big, influence.

Also, I suspect prices (and rarity) have an impact. It’s possible there would be less competition for a $9 item then for a $900 item, and for the more expensive items it might justify a manual sniper to monitor the end of the auctions more closely, which could encourage a retaliatory snipe. On a $9 item, a competing (retaliatory) sniper might raise the price $1 while on the $900 item another sniper might raise the price $100. A hundred here and a hundred there – it starts to add up. A bidding war is a bidding war (and nibblers are nibblers), whether it’s a war (or nibbling) during the last few days of the auction or the last few seconds.

Probably too many variables on the various ebay auctions to come to any consistent conclusions.

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