I've noticed this issue several times, but have never contacted AuctionSniper about it until now. Today it is happening again.
When I view My Snipes page to check on the status of an auction item that has not yet closed, I see two prices: Max (the amount I entered when I set up the snipe) and Currently (which I think should be the actual current high bid on eBay at this time). Here's the problem:
The Current price is not accurate. For example, it says Current = $11.49, but the current price on eBay is showing as $33. There have been 7 new bids and 4 hours of time has elapsed since the item was $11.49--the Current price per AuctionSniper's My Snipes page. Even when I reload the page the Current price does not change.
Since my Max price was between $11.49 and $33, I no longer have a chance of winning this item at my Max price. Trouble is, I wouldn't know it to look at the info on My Snipes page, and I did not receive an email alert to let me know that my Max price had been surpassed. So, if I had not happened to be double checking myself--by going back to the eBay listing to verify the current bid activity--I would have outright lost the item by relying on the AuctionSniper info.
Why is this happening? Am I doing something wrong?
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